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Bond, J.

Wheat Disease Update: April 24, 2015

Wheat Disease Update: April 24, 2015 Updated

🕔10:35, 24.Apr 2015

For the most part the Mississippi wheat crop is clean with regards to foliar diseases. However, some important issues are occurring that need to be addressed with regards to Fusarium head blight, stem maggot feeding, and general herbicide injury as these three issues can easily be confused with one another at the field level.

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Off-target Herbicide Movement to Rice

Off-target Herbicide Movement to Rice Updated

🕔10:57, 23.Apr 2015

As rice approaches reproductive growth stages, it is less likely to recover from injury due to off-target herbicide movement.

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2015 Scout Schools Set for Mississippi

2015 Scout Schools Set for Mississippi Updated

🕔11:02, 8.Apr 2015

Mississippi State University will be hosting 5 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, weed identification, and herbicide systems. There will be numerous hands on displays of insects, weeds, nutrient deficiencies in all major row crops, and fertilizer characteristics. CEU’s Provided: Nutrient Management = 1.5, Integrated Pest Management = 3, Crop Management = 1

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Choices of Residual Herbicides in Mississippi Soybean

Choices of Residual Herbicides in Mississippi Soybean Updated

🕔08:56, 2.Apr 2015

Most weed management decisions in Mississippi soybean are based on managing glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth.

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Burndown Scenarios for Mississippi Soybean

Burndown Scenarios for Mississippi Soybean Updated

🕔07:42, 27.Mar 2015

Burndown herbicides programs for soybean must often be addressed on a field-by-field basis.

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Auxin Herbicide Plantback Restrictions

Auxin Herbicide Plantback Restrictions Updated

🕔15:19, 17.Mar 2015

There are a multitude of 2,4-D and dicamba formulations labeled for application to agricultural fields.

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2015 Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Meeting Program Updated

🕔06:54, 27.Jan 2015

On February 5th 2015, Mississippi State University will host the third annual Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition.  The competition will be open to M.S. and Ph.D. students working in production agriculture.  Over the last several years, there has been a

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2015 Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 21 and 22, 2015 Updated

🕔11:27, 16.Jan 2015

Find attached the agenda for the 42nd Annual Delta Ag Expo to be held in Cleveland, MS on Wednesday, January 21 and Thursday, January 22, 2015. We hope to see you in attendance at the Bolivar County Ag Expo Center.

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2014 Delta Area Rice Meeting Updated

🕔11:45, 7.Nov 2014

The 2014 Delta area/Bolivar Co. Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on December 4, 2014. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension

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Keys to Diagnosing Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Rice Updated

🕔23:03, 24.Jul 2014

Described below are the most common nutrient related issues that occur in Mississippi rice production and a few distinctive characteristics to key on when trying to properly identify each issue in the field.  Nutrient issues in rice can take on

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Rice Stink Bugs in Mississippi Rice Updated

🕔20:58, 24.Jul 2014

As more and more of the rice crop starts to head, it is time to start thinking about rice stink bug. We have been sweeping some grass around the Delta for the last few weeks, and the one general comment I will make is that populations have been fairly low in most areas. We have seen fairly high numbers in a couple places, but it was small patches of heading grass in isolated locations.

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Soybean herbicide options for delayed postemergence applications targeting Palmer amaranth Updated

🕔16:44, 20.Jun 2014

With most of Mississippi receiving large amounts of rain during early June, opportunities for herbicide applications in soybean have been rare up to this week. Several calls have come in regarding herbicide options in situations where the weather has prevented

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Mississippi State University/Monsanto Company Field Day – July 10, 2014 – Robinsonville, MS Updated

🕔16:17, 13.Jun 2014

Mississippi State University and Monsanto Company will be conducting a field day in Robinsonville, MS on Thursday, July 10, 2014.  The field day will focus on the Roundup Ready(R) Xtend Crop System in cotton and soybeans.  Field demonstrations will include cotton and soybean germplasm

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Mississippi State University/Dow AgroSciences Field Day – Dundee, MS – July 2, 2014 Updated

🕔15:38, 13.Jun 2014

Mississippi State University and Dow AgroSciences will be conducting a field day at the farm of Douglas and Chris Hood on Wednesday, July 2, 2014.  The field day will begin at 9 a.m. and will focus on Enlist(TM) Weed Control System in

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Delta Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Crops Field Day, June 17, 2014 Updated

🕔13:30, 30.May 2014

A corn, cotton, peanut, and soybean field day is scheduled for June 17th at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS. The general theme of the field day will include pertinent information for mid-season row crop issues.

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Mixing Thrips Insecticides With Post Herbicides: Yes or No? Updated

🕔11:27, 30.May 2014

We have been getting a lot of questions the last 7 to 10 days about potential injury or problems associated with mixing thrips insecticides with POST herbicides over cotton. This will no doubt be controversial, but we are going to lay it out like we would if you called.

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Armyworms in Rice Updated

🕔10:39, 23.May 2014

Similar to most years when we have armyworms in wheat, there is the threat of having armyworms in seedling rice. We know of at least one rice field in Mississippi that was sprayed earlier this week. In general, damage from armyworms will not impact rice yields at this time of year unless they are beginning to reduce plant stand. This is especially true in hybrid rice planted at low seeding rates.

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Protecting Your Preflood Nitrogen

Protecting Your Preflood Nitrogen Updated

🕔12:47, 16.May 2014

Maintaining nitrogen applied as a pre-flood application is an important topic for rice farmers. Nitrogen can be lost by at least three different methods, two of which are considered to be bad since the N will become unavailable for plant uptake.

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Insecticide Seed Treatments and Rice Water Weevil Management in Rice Updated

🕔20:53, 15.May 2014

A little rice has started to go to flood in Mississippi this week and that means it is time to start thinking about rice water weevil. Overall, the majority of the crop is behind because of all of the rain that we have had across the Delta over the last several weeks. In general, the rice that is currently being flooded was some of the earliest planted. As a result, the early rice has endured a lot of rainfall and adverse conditions.

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Soybean Seedling Emergence Issues: Environmental Stress Compounding Factors Updated

🕔20:38, 6.May 2014

A substantial number of soybean acres have been reported to be affected by seedling disease. However, the majority of the field seedling issues can be blamed on poor environmental conditions following the planting that occurred around Easter (between April 14 and 19) and some of the residual herbicide products applied.

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Tips to Improve Rice Fungicide Application Effectiveness Updated

🕔15:06, 3.May 2014

Before the rice season gets into the full swing, consider several important fungicide application strategies before the mid-season fungicide application. Preventing fungicide-resistance from developing is the first step in managing the issue.

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Rice Planting Date – Are We Too Late

Rice Planting Date – Are We Too Late Updated

🕔16:06, 25.Apr 2014

Many people ask why continue mundane planting date research don’t we have enough. Truth is, when talking about items such as planting date, and soil testing data that will be modeled, there is never enough data. The more data you

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Bobby Golden Assigned Extension Responsibility for Mississippi Rice Updated

🕔16:03, 24.Apr 2014

Dr. Jeff Johnson, Head of the Delta Research and Extension Center, has assigned responsibility for Extension in rice to Dr. Bobby Golden.  Dr. Golden will serve in this capacity until a suitable candidate is identified for the Rice Agronomist/Extension Specialist

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In-Season Use of Sharpen in Rice Updated

🕔07:21, 4.Apr 2014

Supplemental labeling will allow in-season applications of Sharpen to rice in 2014.

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2,4-D As a Burndown Herbicide Updated

🕔19:08, 21.Mar 2014

Just to prove that 2,4-D labels can be confusing, plantback restrictions were listed correctly in the previous post, but formulations were not specified.

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