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Cook, D.

Slugs – A Persistent Problem in Cool Years Updated

🕔09:05, 21.May 2014

I have gotten numerous calls about slugs this year in all crops but lately in cotton and soybean. Slug problems usually start on corn then soybeans then cotton in our area. This is only because we typically plant in this order. We have had isolated problems with slugs since 2004, some years worse than others.

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Thrips Management in Cotton

Thrips Management in Cotton Updated

🕔14:44, 16.May 2014

Many of you have heard us talk about the declining efficacy of seed treatments against thrips throughout the winter meeting circuit. We started seeing the first signs of inadequate control about 4 years ago and the problem has seemed to get worse every year. Last year, most of the cotton in Mississippi was sprayed for thrips at least one time and many fields were sprayed multiple times, even behind a seed treatment. Until now, thiamethoxam (Cruiser, Avicta, or Acceleron N) has been impacted more than imidacloprid (Gaucho, Aeris, or Acceleron FI).

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Bollworms Plentiful in Young Soybeans

Bollworms Plentiful in Young Soybeans Updated

🕔11:48, 16.May 2014

The soybean crop ranges from still in the bag to around V5 stage on average across Mississippi. Over the last 10 days I have received numerous calls (mostly from Delta region) about bollworms attacking vegetative stage soybeans. Arkansas has also reported high numbers of bollworms in soybeans. In fact, AR has some fields where bollworms are infesting emerging soybeans in the crook stage and eating them to the ground where vegetation was present during planting.

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Insecticide Seed Treatments and Rice Water Weevil Management in Rice Updated

🕔20:53, 15.May 2014

A little rice has started to go to flood in Mississippi this week and that means it is time to start thinking about rice water weevil. Overall, the majority of the crop is behind because of all of the rain that we have had across the Delta over the last several weeks. In general, the rice that is currently being flooded was some of the earliest planted. As a result, the early rice has endured a lot of rainfall and adverse conditions.

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New Neonicotinoid Pollinator Protection Labels Updated

🕔17:03, 1.May 2014

We have had several calls in recent days as news gets out about the EPA’s recent label changes for neonicotinoid insecticides. The intent is to offer greater protection for pollinators in and around crops where this class of insecticides may be applied. Basically, the new language forbids the use of these products while bees are foraging and until flowering is complete and all petals have fallen off the plants. There are a few exceptions if certain criteria are met.

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Start Planning Plant Bug Management Now Updated

🕔21:18, 27.Apr 2014

Although very little, if any, cotton has been planted in the Delta, it is not too early to start thinking about managing tarnished plant bugs.

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“Bee Aware” Flags Ready for Distribution Updated

🕔08:39, 26.Mar 2014

Recently several groups in Mississippi came together and developed then adopted a set of Cooperative Standards for row crop farmers and beekeepers in an effort to increase awareness of pollinator’s and create an environment where each could coexist while minimizing any

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Results Updated

🕔10:59, 11.Feb 2014

The results from the Second Annual Future of Ag Graduate Student Competition are included in this post.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Program Updated

🕔11:31, 22.Jan 2014

On February 6th 2014, Mississippi State University will host the second annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The competition will be open to M.S. and Ph.D. students working in production agriculture.

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Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014

Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014 Updated

🕔11:08, 11.Jan 2014

Attached please find the agenda for the Delta Ag Expo in Cleveland, MS. Make careful note that the dates of the meeting have changed from previous years due to a minor scheduling conflict with the Bolivar County Exposition Center.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Updated

🕔11:52, 27.Nov 2013

On February 6th 2014, Mississippi State University will host the second annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The competition will be open to M.S. and Ph.D. students working in production agriculture.

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Tobacco Thrips in Mid-South Resistant to Thiamethoxam Updated

🕔12:53, 7.Nov 2013

Since 2011 we have seen a decline in efficacy of thiamethoxam treated cotton seed against tobacco thrips. This has led to the increase of foliar applications in mid-south cotton acres.  Recently Syngenta has confirmed that populations in the mid-south region

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Managing Late Season Stink Bugs in Mississippi Soybean

Managing Late Season Stink Bugs in Mississippi Soybean Updated

🕔17:44, 14.Sep 2013

Over the last month we have had numerous questions about terminating stink bug applications in late season soybeans. Typically we manage stink bugs until near harvest but there are several things to consider before making an application to control stink bugs in beans beyond R6 growth stage.

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Soybean Looper Control in Late Soybeans Updated

🕔15:50, 30.Aug 2013

Soybean looper has started to show up in soybean and a few applications have started in some fields. We have several good options to manage soybean looper and all of them should be considered. Belt has become the go to insecticide for looper control in a lot of situations over the last couple of years.

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Yield Loss from Defoliators in Soybean and Insecticide Termination

Yield Loss from Defoliators in Soybean and Insecticide Termination Updated

🕔15:48, 30.Aug 2013

Now that early planted beans are drying down quickly and insect pressure is increasing on late planted soybeans in some areas, many are asking when it is safe to quit spraying insect pest in soybeans. For most pest in soybean

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Terminating Insecticides in Cotton

Terminating Insecticides in Cotton Updated

🕔14:16, 30.Aug 2013

I have looked at several fields over the last couple weeks that should be considered safe from yield loss from insect pest. Keep in mind that termination rules for insects in cotton do not mean the crop is “bug proof” but

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Stink Bugs Picking Up in Soybeans

Stink Bugs Picking Up in Soybeans Updated

🕔17:30, 2.Aug 2013

With the exception of the last three years, stink bugs have always Mississippi’s number one insect pest of soybean. There are many species of stink bugs in MS soybeans but the three predominate species are Southern Green, Green, and Brown

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Bollworm Applications Starting in Soybean Updated

🕔15:44, 25.Jul 2013

With many consultants reporting flushing high numbers of moths over the last 7-10 days, bollworm larvae are beginning to turn up at treatable levels in some fields now. Over the last couple days I am hearing reports of treatments going out

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Bollworm Flight Later Than Normal But Now Starting Updated

🕔15:38, 19.Jul 2013

Usually in Mississippi the major bollworm flight coming off of corn usually ranges from June 25-July 7th on average. We started getting our first calls out of the south Delta this week. Many consultants are reporting scattered worms and eggs

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Mississippi Kudzu Bug Update: 7/12/2013

Mississippi Kudzu Bug Update: 7/12/2013 Updated

🕔13:25, 12.Jul 2013

I have had numerous calls on kudzu bugs in the last couple weeks, mainly from the southwest part of the state. Kudzu bugs were found in 4 counties in 2012 in MS. In 2013 we have now confirmed 10 additional counties, in which 6 were found in soybeans. Since these initial finds in soybeans in Warren, Claiborne, Hinds, Yazoo, Stone, and Rankin Counties, it has become common for consultants to find 4-8 adults per 25 sweeps, in a few cases up to 10-15 in a couple of these areas.

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Soybean Minute Radio Program Updated

🕔11:30, 12.Jul 2013

The Soybean Minute is a new radio program that can be heard on the Mississippi AgriNews Network. These reports, sponsored by the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board and the United Soybean Board, offer the latest information on soybean production in Mississippi.

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Managing Insect Pest in Mississippi Grain Sorghum Updated

🕔10:06, 9.Jul 2013

Mississippi traditionally does not plant a lot of grain sorghum compared to some states but the acres we plant (42K according to USDA, 2013) have to be scouted and managed for insect pest at least weekly. Grain sorghum in Mississippi can have significant insect issues in some years, especially on late plantings.

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Spider Mites Showing Up in Cotton Updated

🕔11:33, 4.Jul 2013

With the dry weather we have had recently, spider mites are starting to show up in a lot of cotton fields. Spider mites can be one of the most difficult pests to manage in cotton for several reasons.

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Rice Stink Bug Update for the Week of June 28 Updated

🕔15:01, 28.Jun 2013

I know it is a little early in the year, and very little if any rice is heading at this time. However, it is not too early to start thinking about rice stink bugs.

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Double Crop Soybean: Seeding Rates and Seed Treatments Updated

🕔10:42, 22.Jun 2013

At this point of the season, we still have some acres of soybean yet to be planted. The majority of those acres will be double cropped soybean behind harvested wheat. Given the environmental conditions that we typically expect during this

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