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Gore, J.

Stink Bugs Picking Up in Soybeans

Stink Bugs Picking Up in Soybeans Updated

🕔17:30, 2.Aug 2013

With the exception of the last three years, stink bugs have always Mississippi’s number one insect pest of soybean. There are many species of stink bugs in MS soybeans but the three predominate species are Southern Green, Green, and Brown

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Bollworm Applications Starting in Soybean Updated

🕔15:44, 25.Jul 2013

With many consultants reporting flushing high numbers of moths over the last 7-10 days, bollworm larvae are beginning to turn up at treatable levels in some fields now. Over the last couple days I am hearing reports of treatments going out

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Bollworm Flight Later Than Normal But Now Starting Updated

🕔15:38, 19.Jul 2013

Usually in Mississippi the major bollworm flight coming off of corn usually ranges from June 25-July 7th on average. We started getting our first calls out of the south Delta this week. Many consultants are reporting scattered worms and eggs

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Mississippi Kudzu Bug Update: 7/12/2013

Mississippi Kudzu Bug Update: 7/12/2013 Updated

🕔13:25, 12.Jul 2013

I have had numerous calls on kudzu bugs in the last couple weeks, mainly from the southwest part of the state. Kudzu bugs were found in 4 counties in 2012 in MS. In 2013 we have now confirmed 10 additional counties, in which 6 were found in soybeans. Since these initial finds in soybeans in Warren, Claiborne, Hinds, Yazoo, Stone, and Rankin Counties, it has become common for consultants to find 4-8 adults per 25 sweeps, in a few cases up to 10-15 in a couple of these areas.

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Soybean Minute Radio Program Updated

🕔11:30, 12.Jul 2013

The Soybean Minute is a new radio program that can be heard on the Mississippi AgriNews Network. These reports, sponsored by the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board and the United Soybean Board, offer the latest information on soybean production in Mississippi.

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Managing Insect Pest in Mississippi Grain Sorghum Updated

🕔10:06, 9.Jul 2013

Mississippi traditionally does not plant a lot of grain sorghum compared to some states but the acres we plant (42K according to USDA, 2013) have to be scouted and managed for insect pest at least weekly. Grain sorghum in Mississippi can have significant insect issues in some years, especially on late plantings.

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Spider Mites Showing Up in Cotton Updated

🕔11:33, 4.Jul 2013

With the dry weather we have had recently, spider mites are starting to show up in a lot of cotton fields. Spider mites can be one of the most difficult pests to manage in cotton for several reasons.

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Plant Bugs Moving Into Squaring Cotton

Plant Bugs Moving Into Squaring Cotton Updated

🕔10:10, 2.Jul 2013

In the last 7 days we have received a number of calls about adult plant bugs beginning to move into squaring cotton. In many cases, fields that were treated last week have higher or equal numbers this week. As we

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Rice Stink Bug Update for the Week of June 28 Updated

🕔15:01, 28.Jun 2013

I know it is a little early in the year, and very little if any rice is heading at this time. However, it is not too early to start thinking about rice stink bugs.

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Mississippi Rice Progress – June 28, 2013 Updated

🕔13:48, 28.Jun 2013

Favorable weather conditions continue to help this crop progress.  Major problems outside of drift have been few for most of the spring; however, a few different issues have come up this week.  Dr. Jeff Gore was called to help address a

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Double Crop Soybean: Seeding Rates and Seed Treatments Updated

🕔10:42, 22.Jun 2013

At this point of the season, we still have some acres of soybean yet to be planted. The majority of those acres will be double cropped soybean behind harvested wheat. Given the environmental conditions that we typically expect during this

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Thrips Pressure Heavy Despite a Late Planted Crop Updated

🕔08:37, 1.Jun 2013

No doubt this is a very late planted crop by Mississippi standards, so I was a little surprised when numerous thrips calls started coming in about a week or so ago. Usually thrips issues are much worse on cotton that is growing off slow due to cold weather or any number of issues that may slow growth.

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How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops?

How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops? Updated

🕔19:54, 24.May 2013

With all of the rainfall that we have had around most of the state, there have been a lot of questions about the impact on seed treatments. In general, most of the seed treatments that are being used in all crops are water soluble. Typical levels of rainfall should not have a negative impact on the efficacy of seed treatments, but excessive rainfall may.

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Aphids in Rice Updated

🕔08:46, 24.May 2013

There have been some reports of aphids in Arkansas rice fields recently. I talked to Gus Lorenz (UofA Extension Entomologist) yesterday and he told me that they are seeing several species of aphids scattered throughout Arkansas. I have not heard of or seen any in Mississippi rice fields to date, but I wanted to make everyone aware of what is being seen in Arkansas.

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Kudzu Bug Finds in Mississippi Increasing

Kudzu Bug Finds in Mississippi Increasing Updated

🕔16:00, 17.May 2013

In 2012 Kudzu bugs were found in four counties in Mississippi on Kudzu.  All finds were along major highways suggesting they “hitchhiked” in on vehicles. The counties were Warren, Lauderdale, Montgomery, and Carroll. In the last 2 weeks we have

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Do Insecticide Seed Treatments Provide any Value on Late Planted Soybeans?

Do Insecticide Seed Treatments Provide any Value on Late Planted Soybeans? Updated

🕔15:39, 17.May 2013

Due to the rain and cold weather this spring a much larger percent of the soybean crop will be planted later than normal. There have been several questions lately about whether or not we should still include an insecticide seed

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Thrips in Cotton and Peanuts Updated

🕔15:27, 17.May 2013

I have been asked several times over the last week about the need for thrips control now that we have more optimal planting conditions. This is a good question and I will attempt to provide some valuable insight about thrips control in both cotton and peanuts.

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Transform WG Insecticide from Dow Recieves Label for Cotton Updated

🕔12:42, 10.May 2013

Earlier this week Transform WG insecticide from Dow received a full Section 3 label for use in cotton.

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Will cold and rainy weather impact seed treatments in corn and rice? Updated

🕔16:38, 5.Apr 2013

This is an important question right now with the weather conditions that we have had over the last few weeks. A considerable amount of corn and a little bit of rice has been planted over the last 3 to 4 weeks. In most of those fields, the crop has either just emerged or has not emerged yet.

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Insecticide Seed Treatments in Soybeans Updated

🕔14:53, 13.Mar 2013

What is the importance of a neonicotinoid insecticide seed treatment in soybeans? Basically it is a risk management tool. Soybean seedlings have a tremendous amount of vigor and can tolerate a substantial amount of insect injury. However, early planted soybeans can encounter less than optimal environmental conditions which can stress plants and reduce vigor. Insect injury under these conditions is an additional stress. During 2010, it is estimated that the use of insecticide seed treatments in soybeans resulted in a value of $28.8 million to Mississippi soybean growers.

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2012 Southern U.S. Insecticide Performance Survey Updated

🕔10:25, 11.Feb 2013

University Research and Extension Entomologists from across the southern U.S. participated in a survey where they rate the performance of insecticides against various insect pests in cotton, soybean, and field corn.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Updated

🕔12:38, 8.Feb 2013

On February 7th 2013, Mississippi State University hosted the first annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The goals of this event were to provide students an opportunity to present their research findings to a diverse audience that included growers, consultants and industry personnel and interact with people from different segments of the agricultural community.

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2012 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔10:05, 15.Nov 2012

The 2012 Row Crop Short Course will be held from December 3-5, 2012 at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University.  Pre-registration is free of charge until November 30 and will be $40 thereafter including at

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Delta Crop Summit – November 13, 2012, Stoneville, MS Updated

🕔13:16, 26.Oct 2012

The 2012 Delta Crop Summit will be held on Tuesday, November 13, in Stoneville, MS. Please see the attached schedule.

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New Insecticides Labeled for Rice Updated

🕔21:09, 4.Oct 2012

Two new insecticides from Valent recently received federal labels for use in rice. The state approval is still pending, but expected soon. The insecticides are Belay and Nipsit INSIDE. Both of these insecticides have the same active ingedient, clothianidin.

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