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Gore, J.

Cotton Aphids Still Hanging On Updated

🕔13:15, 3.Aug 2011

Typically cotton aphids show up in MS around the end of June and begin to peak in early July. However, the last 2 years the bulk of our aphid pressure has been occurring around the end of July. The fungus, Neozygites fresenii, use to be fairly predictable occurring somewhere around the 4th – 10th of July in MS.

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UPDATE: Bacterial Blight of Cotton Updated

🕔11:38, 21.Jul 2011

Over the past 7 days, numerous cotton fields have been determined to be infected with bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum (formerly Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum).  In addition to the growing number of acres in MS having been

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Rainfastness of Insecticides Updated

🕔12:46, 29.Jun 2011

Every year when afternoon thunderstorms start popping up, the phone starts ringing about rainfastness.  Rainfastness simply means the amount of time needed after application before a rainfall event for the product to still be effective.  One thing I have figured

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Spider Mite Update and Recommendations Updated

🕔08:28, 17.Jun 2011

Spider mites have been becoming more widespread over the last two weeks. Currently we have quite a few acres that have required treatment for spider mites and several that have already received 2 applications. The hot dry weather we have been dealing with for the last couple weeks is making the problem worse, and the numerous thrips applications this year has further led to the increased problems with spider mites by removing beneficial insects early.

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Rice Water Weevil and Rice Stink Bug Update Updated

🕔07:00, 17.Jun 2011

Rice water weevil densities appear to be very high at some locations in Mississippi this year. I looked at two fields over the last week where adult feeding was actually affecting plants. Adult numbers were running as high as 4-5 weevils per plant.

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Rice Insect Update Updated

🕔09:14, 13.May 2011

The reason for this post is to give an update on insect pests that we may be seeing in the near and distant future. First, we had several wheat fields around the Delta that had some fall armyworms. In addition, we are seeing a fair number of fall armyworms in whorl stage corn. I wouldn’t say the numbers we are seeing are anything of great concern, but the numbers are higher than we normally see this time of year. This tells us that fall armyworms are in the environment and capable of moving into rice. As the wheat is drying down, make sure to keep a close eye on field edges, especially those fields adjacent to wheat.

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Aphid Numbers Increasing in Mississippi Wheat Fields Updated

🕔08:12, 24.Mar 2011

Over the last week I have received several calls of very high aphid numbers in wheat.  The two species being found are Bird Cherry-Oat aphids (BCO) and Greenbugs.  I have had reports of treatable levels of Greenbugs being found but

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Overview of 2010 Insects in Rice and 2011 Outlook Updated

🕔08:33, 3.Mar 2011

Last year was a challenging year for insect pests of rice in Mississippi. In general, we experienced higher than normal populations of rice water weevil, rice stink bug, and fall armyworm.  Luckily from the rice water weevil standpoint, the two

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Rice Insecticidal Seed Treatment Recommendations for Mississippi in 2011 Updated

🕔12:48, 14.Feb 2011

In Mississippi, the rice water weevil is the most important early to mid season pest in rice. Three years of research have shown that foliar pyrethroid applications provide variable results, and may not always provide acceptable control.

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