Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 19, 2021
Corn borer trap numbers were variable and fairly low throughout the state this week.
Corn borer trap numbers were variable and fairly low throughout the state this week.
Southwestern corn borer numbers have been very low (0-2 per trap) across the state to date. We are not reporting the table of trap counts for each county this week, but will start posting county numbers next week. One trap
With cool wet weather this spring, we have received quite a few calls about slugs and slug damage in emerged crops. I suspect this will increase in more areas as planting continues and plants begin to emerge in areas where
After finding low numbers of RBSB in the last couple weeks of sampling, we made an effort to really increase sample areas this week. Although most areas were zero to very low, we have a couple hot spots this week
Due to the uncertainty of being allowed to hold face to face meetings during the early planning sessions for our Insect Scout Schools, we decided to pre-record the entire scout school for General Thresholds, Cotton, Corn, Grain Sorghum, and Soybean
As we move through the last week of April, we are finding RBSB in some locations in crimson clover. I have added the same time period for last year to give some perspective as to our numbers this year. Although,
Mississippi Cotton Early Season Management Considerations
A lot of rice has been planted in the state over the last couple of weeks and most of it had an insecticide seed treatment as we recommend. The most common insecticide seed treatments in rice are one of the
*Each week we sample, we will add to the previous weeks post with updated map and new counties Over the next few weeks we will be posting RBSB Ditchbank survey information. Although we feel that we had a cold enough
We have over 15 years of experience testing insecticide seed treatments in soybeans in Mississippi and have developed an extensive data set over the years of potential benefits to soybean farmers. I am a firm believer that the choice to
Over the last week or so we have a few calls coming in about stink bugs in heading wheat. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence. However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause
Due to restrictions limiting public gatherings related to the pandemic, the MSU Row Crops Team are releasing some virtual educational programs to help prepare for the upcoming growing season. These programs offer Continuing Education Units for Certified Crop Advisors who
Due to restrictions limiting public gatherings related to the pandemic, the MSU Row Crops Team are releasing some virtual educational programs to help prepare for the upcoming growing season. These programs offer Continuing Education Units for Certified Crop Advisors who
This is some old data from 2007 but it is still relevant today. How does time of day effect stink bug populations? When this small test was conducted we did not have redbanded stink bugs in our system but I
As we move closer to maturity, there are many decisions to be made on termination timing of various management practices. At this time of the season, we can use late season soybean growth stages as a guide to decide when
Although most corn across the state is beyond the susceptible stage, southwestern corn borer traps were very high in some counties with multiple traps exceeding 100 moths per trap.
Southwestern corn borer trap counts increased again this week in several counties. Traps in Leflore, Carroll, and Tate counties exceeded the current threshold of 100 per trap. As a reminder, corn is considered safe from yield losses from southwestern corn
Overall, southwestern corn borer trap numbers are beginning to decline. Only one location in Leflore county exceeded the threshold of 100 per trap this week.
There are several biological insecticide options labelled in soybean; however, the most readily available and widely used product is Heligen. In the last week, many people have asked about the use of Heligen with the low bollworm numbers showing up
This last week there have been reports of bollworm eggs starting to show up in Mississippi Cotton. Generally speaking, in a normal year the bollworm flight would begin around July 4th, and peak around the 15th. The wet spring pushed Bobby and Jason sit down with Jeff to discuss insect management in rice and what to look for moving forward into the year Bobby sits down with the entomology team (Angus, Jeff, Don, and Whitney)to discuss the impending bollworm flight, what to look for and how to move forward. Bobby and Jason sit down with Jeff and Angus to discuss how this year’s consistent wet weather influences Herbicide and insecticide efficacy.