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Larson, E.

Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014

Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014 Updated

🕔09:27, 28.Jun 2014

Foliar corn diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS corn crop. Common rust, gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and southern corn leaf blight are all present at low levels throughout the Delta. As of Wednesday (June 25, 2014), southern corn rust had only been observed in southeastern MS (Forrest, George, Greene, Jackson, Perry, and Stone counties).

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Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke?

Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke? Updated

🕔07:43, 26.Jun 2014

The importance of soil moisture sensors is becoming more evident as we continue forward this growing season. Today (Monday, June 16th), we received a call regarding sensor readings that were assessed early this morning. The following are the data discussed in this scenario.

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The Tassel Shot: When is the Best Time? Updated

🕔10:49, 6.Jun 2014

More and more corn growers are applying various management inputs around tassel stage in order to improve efficiency and corn productivity. This article discusses how crop physiology affects the appropriate timing and crop response.

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Delta Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Crops Field Day, June 17, 2014 Updated

🕔13:30, 30.May 2014

A corn, cotton, peanut, and soybean field day is scheduled for June 17th at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS. The general theme of the field day will include pertinent information for mid-season row crop issues.

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Tips to Improve Nitrogen Response for Mid-South Corn Updated

🕔11:59, 12.May 2014

Considering the abundant rainfall we experienced during April and typically have, it is usually very important to optimize nitrogen fertilizer management. This newsletter discusses best management practices for corn nitrogen fertilization. These recommendations reduce the risk of nitrogen loss and can improve crop response when wet weather is prevalent during the spring.

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Seeding Rates and other Grain Sorghum Planting Tips

Seeding Rates and other Grain Sorghum Planting Tips Updated

🕔17:00, 29.Apr 2014

Mississippi growers will likely plant far more acres to grain sorghum than previous years. This article outlines suggested seeding rates and other key planting tips for successful sorghum production.

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What is the Cut-Off Date for Planting Corn?

What is the Cut-Off Date for Planting Corn? Updated

🕔23:42, 11.Apr 2014

Much like last year, as rains delay corn planting progress, more concerns arise regarding the appropriate “cut-off” date for planting corn. This article states new guidelines for late corn plantings based upon recent MSU research.

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Is Super Early Corn Planting Really Critical? Updated

🕔20:52, 12.Mar 2014

March is here, anticipation is building and our fields may dry out soon, if rain holds off. So when should we start planting corn? This article gives tangible recommendations for determining suitable planting time when nature throws us curveballs.

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2014 MSU Grain Sorghum Hybrid Suggestions Updated

🕔17:38, 25.Feb 2014

Included are Mississippi State’s suggested grain sorghum hybrids for planting during the 2014 season. These hybrid recommendations are intended for dryland production.

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Bird Repellent Available to Protect Corn Seed Updated

🕔16:06, 21.Feb 2014

Mississippi has a 24c label allowing Avipel use on field or sweet corn seed for the purpose of repelling blackbirds and cowbirds. Thus, we no longer need to rely on an emergency condition to be declared. This newsletter will discuss different formulations and use of this product on corn seed.

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The Mississippi State University RISER Program: Efficient Methods for Furrow Irrigation Updated

🕔11:42, 12.Feb 2014

RISER irrigation approach reduces water use by 50% while maintaining yield potential.

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2013 MSU Corn Demonstration Program Results Updated

🕔23:03, 22.Jan 2014

The MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program evaluates superior corn hybrids from numerous seed companies who participate in the MSU Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. Our objective is to provide you more opportunity to evaluate premier corn hybrids and substantially supplement the information gathered in the University Hybrid Trials.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Program Updated

🕔11:31, 22.Jan 2014

On February 6th 2014, Mississippi State University will host the second annual “Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition”. The competition will be open to M.S. and Ph.D. students working in production agriculture.

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2014 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2014 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔16:45, 6.Nov 2013

This effort lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. Approximately 80 corn hybrids representing the vast majority of seed companies in the Mid-south participate in the MSU hybrid trials. This information should help you better assess relative corn hybrid productivity and profitability in future seasons for either irrigated or dryland culture.

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Italian Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat Updated

🕔12:46, 1.Nov 2013

Italian ryegrass is a serious weed in wheat production and continues to spread across much of Mississippi. The increasing prevalence of Italian ryegrass in grower fields is compounded by the lack of control from many commonly used herbicides, such as ALS inhibitors and glyphosate.

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Evaluation of Wheat Varieties for Metribuzin Tolerance Updated

🕔12:43, 22.Oct 2013

Metribuzin is an important herbicide for controlling numerous weed species in wheat. However, wheat varieties may differ in tolerance to metribuzin. This article shows our evaluations of wheat varieties included in the current MSU Wheat Variety Trials for metribuzin tolerance. This should help you better assess potential for wheat crop injury.

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2013 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔12:30, 24.Sep 2013

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This impartial information should help you better assess wheat varieties and pick those suited for your farm this season.

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Storing Harvested Corn and what to Expect from High-Moisture Corn Updated

🕔11:45, 11.Sep 2013

Numerous questions have come in over the past few weeks regarding proper grain storage. Maintaining moisture below 15% is extremely important to reduce the likelihood of fungal growth. However, not all fungi that develop on harvested grain are problematic and toxin production is not something that can occur overnight. Even though fungi such as Aspergillus flavus can produce a green fungal growth on harvested grain not all fungi that grow on grain can be considered to be A. flavus.

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Corn Disease Update and Late Fungicide Suggestions: July 19, 2013 Updated

🕔10:10, 19.Jul 2013

Corn fungicide questions continue to be made even in situations where corn has reached dent. In general, making a fungicide application at dent or later corn growth stages only pays off if excessive disease pressure is observed prior to the fungicide application being made. Moreover, making a fungicide application to a foliar disease tolerant hybrid will likely not pay off since the genes present in the hybrid should be relied on for preventing yield loss as a result of foliar disease.

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How long will we need to Irrigate this Corn Crop? Updated

🕔00:32, 5.Jul 2013

This season’s corn crop is generally much later than normal and far behind the pace of last year’s crop. Thus, even the earliest fields will need additional irrigation or rainfall for several more weeks. This article discusses crop progress and methods to schedule and terminate irrigation water for corn.

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The Tassel Shot: What is the Best Timing? Updated

🕔23:25, 4.Jun 2013

More and more growers are applying various management inputs around tassel stage in order to improve efficiency and corn productivity. This article discusses how crop physiology affects the potential yield response and appropriate timing.

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How to Estimate Nitrogen Loss resulting from Saturated Soils Updated

🕔18:42, 14.May 2013

Persistent rainfall has periodically saturated corn fields for several weeks this spring, prompting questions regarding potential nitrogen fertilizer loss. This article gives guidelines for estimating potential N loss.

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Corn Replanting Guidelines and Management Issues with Wet Weather Updated

🕔14:16, 26.Apr 2013

Unrelenting rainfall continues to delay much field-related progress. This article gives suggestions for making corn replant decisions and keeping up with crop needs, such as nitrogen fertilizer application.

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What is the Cut-off Date for Planting Corn? Updated

🕔22:07, 4.Apr 2013

As rains continue to delay corn planting progress, more concerns are rising regarding the appropriate “cut-off” date for planting corn. Recent MSU research gives a solid basis for addressing this question.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Tebuconazole Label Restrictions in Wheat Updated

🕔12:49, 2.Apr 2013

Please see the attached information regarding the use of products that contain tebuconazole to manage wheat diseases. Note that the label restricts the overall amount of tebuconazole that can be applied to wheat in any one season to 4 fl oz/A.

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