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Larson, E.

Overcoming Challenges to Plant the 2019 Corn Crop

Overcoming Challenges to Plant the 2019 Corn Crop Updated

🕔22:23, 25.Feb 2019

Mother nature has certainly presented a very difficult scenario regarding the upcoming 2019 planting season. In this article, we will discuss those issues and our options to hopefully get our corn intentions planted and off to a successful start.

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2019 Grain Sorghum Hybrid Suggestions Updated

🕔14:41, 18.Feb 2019

This article lists those grain sorghum hybrids which have produced superior yields in the Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials and neighboring University trials. This information should improve your ability to select well-adapted sorghum hybrids for Mississippi based on independent performance testing.

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County Extension Meeting Schedule – February and March 2019

County Extension Meeting Schedule – February and March 2019 Updated

🕔13:37, 7.Feb 2019

Mississippi State University Extension will be hosting several county row crop meetings from January through March of 2019. Each meeting will cover issues specific to the region including management topics on agronomics, insects, weeds, diseases, and economics. A meal will

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County Extension Meeting Schedule – January 2019

County Extension Meeting Schedule – January 2019 Updated

🕔11:27, 20.Dec 2018

Mississippi State University Extension will be hosting several county row crop meetings from January through March of 2019. Each meeting will cover issues specific to the region including management topics on agronomics, insects, weeds, diseases, and economics. A meal will

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2018 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Results

2018 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Results Updated

🕔16:57, 28.Nov 2018

Mississippi State goes to great lengths to evaluate, assess and analyze corn hybrid performance. These Hybrid Demonstration trials are grown in numerous on-farm locations throughout the state where you can better evaluate hybrid performance of our region’s most elite hybrids. Complete results, including yields and plant characteristics from this year’s trials are published here.

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2019 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2019 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔20:58, 23.Oct 2018

This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior performance in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s market. Thus, this is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge hybrid performance and select the best hybrids for your farm.

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2018 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program

2018 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Updated

🕔20:50, 23.Oct 2018

Mississippi State goes to great lengths to evaluate, assess and analyze corn hybrid performance. These Hybrid Demonstration trials are grown in numerous on-farm locations throughout the state where you can better evaluate hybrid performance of our region’s most elite hybrids. Grain yield results from this year’s trials are published here.

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Keys to Producing High Yielding Wheat

Keys to Producing High Yielding Wheat Updated

🕔15:53, 10.Oct 2018

Wheat can be a fairly consistent and productive crop which offers some benefits and diversity for your cropping system. This article will address several vital planting and fall management practices to employ to mitigate environmental limitations and optimize wheat productivity.

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2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties

2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔17:35, 13.Sep 2018

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This independent information should help you better assess those varieties which are suited for your specific region.

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Mississippi Ag Industry Council – Row Crop Update Updated

🕔17:58, 18.Jul 2018

We welcome you to attend the Row Crop Update at the 2018 Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council Annual Convention. This event is hosted at Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama on Wednesday, July 25.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: July 13, 2018

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: July 13, 2018 Updated

🕔10:21, 14.Jul 2018

Overall, southwestern corn borer trap counts have been lower than normal all year and we appear to have gotten past the peak of the second generation. Additionally, the bulk of the corn has reached the dent stage and is beyond

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When can I Safely Finish Irrigating my Corn? Updated

🕔17:29, 13.Jul 2018

As the corn crop nears maturity, knowing when you can safely terminate irrigation timing, while optimizing yield potential is likely the most important decision you will face. In order to make this call, you need to know when the crop will reach maturity and how much moisture is present in your soil. This article outlines the steps needed to help make this process accurate and reliable.

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Why did the Kernels near the Ear Tip not Fill? Updated

🕔15:01, 10.Jul 2018

Corn kernel set near the ear tip may vary considerably depending on a number of cultural and environmental factors. These kernels usually don’t fill because the plant can’t supply enough energy to support all of them. Therefore, if we want to improve our yields, we need to investigate reasons why kernel set is less than desired, so we can do better in the future.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: July 6, 2018

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: July 6, 2018 Updated

🕔09:25, 7.Jul 2018

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Identifying Corn Reproductive Growth Stages and Management Implications

Identifying Corn Reproductive Growth Stages and Management Implications Updated

🕔08:13, 5.Jul 2018

Corn reproductive stages generally comprise nearly 60 days for corn hybrids grown in Mississippi at normal planting dates. Identification of these stages is critical for making prudent management decisions and anticipating crop response to practices and environmental conditions.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: June 29, 2018

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: June 29, 2018 Updated

🕔10:14, 30.Jun 2018

Southwestern corn borer trap counts were up this week in Coahoma county. As a reminder, our threshold for foliar sprays on non-Bt corn is to spray one week after trap counts exceed 100 per trap from tassel to full dent.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: June 22, 2018

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps: June 22, 2018 Updated

🕔21:54, 22.Jun 2018

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 15, 2018

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 15, 2018 Updated

🕔08:21, 16.Jun 2018

We have been trapping southwestern corn borer for the last few weeks, but most traps have not caught any moths until this week. Overall, numbers are still low, but are starting to increase which may signal the beginning of the

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Could Weather Limit Effectiveness of your “Tassel Shot” Application? Updated

🕔14:36, 25.May 2018

As the Mississippi corn crop approaches tassel stage, weather has fluctuated from dry to rainy conditions during recent weeks. Thus, how may this affect how the corn will respond to mid-season application of various management inputs, including nitrogen fertilizer or other products? This article will discuss factors that could dramatically affect corn response.

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Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates

Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates Updated

🕔12:00, 18.May 2018

Mississippi State University will be hosting 2 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology.

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Tips for Planting High Yielding Corn

Tips for Planting High Yielding Corn Updated

🕔13:19, 10.Mar 2018

Southern corn producers often face challenges during planting that can drastically affect the stand achieved and ultimately the productivity of the crop. This article provides guidelines and tips for having a successful planting season.

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2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule

2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule Updated

🕔08:55, 21.Dec 2017

The Mississippi State University Extension Service will be hosting a number of county row crop extension meetings in the spring of 2018. Each meeting will cover issues specific to the area and will provide information on weeds, insects, disease, economics,

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2017 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Summary Updated

🕔14:45, 1.Dec 2017

Selecting the best corn hybrids to plant next year is critical to the profitability of your farm. This article contains complete results of yields and plant characteristics evaluated in the 2017 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration trials grown throughout the state for your review.

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2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔15:45, 23.Oct 2017

This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior performance in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s market. Thus, this is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge hybrid performance and improve your ability to select the best hybrids for your farm.

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2017 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Updated

🕔11:36, 20.Oct 2017

Selecting the best corn hybrids to plant next year is critical to the profitability of your farm. This article contains yield summaries from the 2017 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration trials grown throughout the state for your review.

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