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2022 MSU Corn Hybrid Trial Disease Evaluations – Non-irrigated Locations

2022 MSU Corn Hybrid Trial Disease Evaluations – Non-irrigated Locations Updated

🕔18:09, 11.Nov 2022

Non-irrigated locations containing the MSU official corn hybrid trials (OHT) were evaluated for foliar diseases during the 2022 season. Curvularia leaf spot was the most prevalent foliar disease observed. Data are presented as the severity of each disease from each irrigated location on a 0-9 scale for each of the hybrids included in the irrigated location evaluations. Presently, the evaluations from the mpm-irrigated locations (n=4) are included in the current post.

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2022 MSU Corn Hybrid Trial Disease Evaluations – Irrigated Locations

2022 MSU Corn Hybrid Trial Disease Evaluations – Irrigated Locations Updated

🕔16:50, 7.Nov 2022

Irrigated locations containing the MSU official corn hybrid trials (OHT) were evaluated for foliar diseases during the 2022 season. Curvularia leaf spot was the most prevalent foliar disease observed. A limited amount of southern rust was observed at two locations. Data are presented as the severity of each disease from each irrigated location on a 0-9 scale for each of the hybrids included in the irrigated location evaluations. Presently, the evaluations from the irrigated locations (n=6) are included in the current post.

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2023 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2023 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔11:38, 4.Nov 2022

This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior performance in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s choices in the market. Thus, this is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge performance and select the best corn hybrids for your farm.

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2022 MSU Extension Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary

2022 MSU Extension Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary Updated

🕔15:44, 31.Oct 2022

The annual MSU Extension Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance. These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soils and management systems around the state. The sets for 2022 represented

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2022 Yield Summaries from the MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program

2022 Yield Summaries from the MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Updated

🕔22:43, 19.Oct 2022

Mississippi State goes to great lengths to evaluate, assess and analyze corn hybrid performance. These Corn Hybrid Demonstration trials are grown in numerous on-farm locations throughout the state where you can better evaluate hybrid performance of our region’s most elite hybrids. Preliminary grain yield results from this year’s trials are published here.

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Heliothine Trap Catches, September 16, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, September 16, 2022 Updated

🕔07:58, 16.Sep 2022

Pheromone trap catches of bollworm and tobacco budworm moths were down this week to more typical levels for this time of year. This is the last week that trap catches will be reported for this year. If you think that

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Heliothine Pheromone Trap Catches, September 9, 2022

Heliothine Pheromone Trap Catches, September 9, 2022 Updated

🕔09:06, 9.Sep 2022

Bollworm moth trap catches rose this week and were very high for this time of year. While most crops are matured past the point where they are susceptible to bollworm feeding, any remaining late crops that are still susceptible could

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Heliothine Trap Catches, September 2, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, September 2, 2022 Updated

🕔17:27, 2.Sep 2022

Bollworm trap catches were down some in the Delta but stable in the Northeastern Hills region while tobacco budworm catches were similar to last week. Bollworm catches were still above long-term averages, so larval pressure should still be expected in

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Soybean Harvest Aid Considerations

Soybean Harvest Aid Considerations Updated

🕔16:02, 2.Sep 2022

As we move into September, some of the biggest topics in soybean have been harvest aid application and grain quality. Moderate to severe damage has been observed in soybean harvested following the weather that many areas of the state experienced

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Heliothine Trap Catches, August 26, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, August 26, 2022 Updated

🕔13:42, 26.Aug 2022

As expected, bollworm pheromone trap catches were up sharply this week in the Delta region to levels well above historical averages. However bollworm catches were similar to last week and to historical averages in the Hills region.

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2022 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties

2022 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔18:06, 25.Aug 2022

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior grain production in the Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This independent information should help you select better varieties which are suited for producing grain in different growing regions in Mississippi.

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2022 Midsouth Cotton Defoliation Guide

2022 Midsouth Cotton Defoliation Guide Updated

🕔10:06, 22.Aug 2022

2022_Midsouth Cotton Defoliation Guide

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Heliothine Trap Catches, August 19, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, August 19, 2022 Updated

🕔17:51, 19.Aug 2022

Bollworm moth pheromone trap catches were steady this week while tobacco budworm catches rose slightly. Both species were about average for this time of year. However, based on the high bollworm catches during late July and a lifecycle that takes

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Soybean Irrigation Termination

Soybean Irrigation Termination Updated

🕔10:47, 13.Aug 2022

There is no question that this growing season has had challenges. From acres that were planted late because it remained too wet to acres that didn’t receive rainfall in weeks. Irrigation has been as important as ever this year. There

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Heliothine Trap Catches, August 12, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, August 12, 2022 Updated

🕔06:28, 12.Aug 2022

Bollworm catches were lower to steady this week compared to last week while tobacco budworm catches dropped to very low numbers. Bollworm catches are still above average for this time of year, so continuing pressure should be expected in vulnerable

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Heliothine Trap Catches, August 5, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, August 5, 2022 Updated

🕔15:29, 5.Aug 2022

After a record high catch reported last week, this week’s catch of both bollworm and tobacco budworm was lower, but still at or above average for this time of year. Therefore growers and consultants should continue to expect substantial bollworm

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 29, 2022

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 29, 2022 Updated

🕔20:58, 29.Jul 2022

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Heliothine Trap Catches, July 29, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, July 29, 2022 Updated

🕔15:44, 29.Jul 2022

Bollworm pheromone trap catches were up again this week to record levels. Since 2008 (the first year I have easily available records), there has never been a week with a higher average bollworm moth catch than this week. The second

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Emergency Exemption Approved for Endigo ZC in MS Rice

Emergency Exemption Approved for Endigo ZC in MS Rice Updated

🕔11:30, 29.Jul 2022

The MDAC Bureau of Plant Industry recently submitted a Section 18 request to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the use of Endigo ZC to control rice stink bug in rice.  The EPA approved that request late yesterday (July 28,

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Rice Stink Bug Update – July 22, 2022

Rice Stink Bug Update – July 22, 2022 Updated

🕔21:53, 22.Jul 2022

Rice stink bug populations appear to be very high in a lot of areas of the Delta this year.  To make matters worse, we are getting numerous reports of poor control with pyrethroids.  There were several cases reported late last

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 22, 2022

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 22, 2022 Updated

🕔20:43, 22.Jul 2022

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Heliothine Trap Counts, July 22, 2022

Heliothine Trap Counts, July 22, 2022 Updated

🕔08:03, 22.Jul 2022

Bollworm and tobacco budworm pheromone trap catches were both up sharply this week in the MS Delta region and were somewhat higher in the NE Mississippi as well. Corn is no longer attractive to these moths, so expect to see

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Corn Disease Update: Week Ending July 16, 2022

Corn Disease Update: Week Ending July 16, 2022 Updated

🕔10:16, 16.Jul 2022

Up until the past week the disease situation in the MS corn crop has been rather quiet. As the crop matures, additional diseases will likely be observed. Aside from Curvularia leaf spot being the most noticeable disease throughout the state, I have received numerous calls regarding corn smut as well as Physoderma brown spot.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 15, 2022

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 15, 2022 Updated

🕔21:46, 15.Jul 2022

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Heliothine Trap Catches, July 15, 2022

Heliothine Trap Catches, July 15, 2022 Updated

🕔15:38, 15.Jul 2022

Bollworm and tobacco budworm pheromone trap catches rose this week in the Delta region, but not in the Northeastern Hills.

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