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Certified Crop Adviser Exam Registration is Open Updated

🕔09:51, 2.Nov 2012

Start the process to become certified and register for the Certified Crop Adviser exams. Registration is now open for the February 1, 2013 examination date. Go to to learn more.  In Mississippi, the exams will be administered at the

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Wheat Seeding Tips for Successful Stand Establishment Updated

🕔11:31, 1.Nov 2012

A lot of wheat is being seeded now as soils dry and harvest season is winding down. That is a good thing because early planting often contributes to multiple issues which can drastically limit wheat productivity in Mississippi and the Mid-South. This article gives rate guidelines and other tips for successful seeding of small grains.

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Delta Crop Summit – November 13, 2012, Stoneville, MS Updated

🕔13:16, 26.Oct 2012

The 2012 Delta Crop Summit will be held on Tuesday, November 13, in Stoneville, MS. Please see the attached schedule.

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Frost and Peanuts: What to do and What not to do Updated

🕔11:57, 26.Oct 2012

Frost and Peanuts: What to do and What not to do Are you still digging peanuts? If so, is there a frost in your forecast? Dug peanuts that are not yet well air dried are quite susceptible to frost injury.

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Weed of the Week: Yellow Woodsorrel Updated

🕔09:21, 26.Oct 2012

Yellow woodsorrel is a short-lived, herbaceous annual or perennial plant with a distinct sour taste and clover-shaped leaves.

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2013 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔15:18, 25.Oct 2012

This effort lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior grain yield performance in the MSU Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. Approximately 80 corn hybrids representing the vast majority of seed companies in the Mid-south participate in the MSU hybrid trials. This information should help you better assess relative corn hybrid productivity and profitability in future seasons for either irrigated or dryland culture.

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Weed of the Week: Cutleaf Evening-primrose Updated

🕔12:25, 17.Oct 2012

Key identifying characteristics of cutleaf evening-primrose are the distinctive white mid-vein found on most leaves and a reddish base when cut with a sharp knife near the soil line.

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Weed of the Week: Henbit Updated

🕔10:33, 10.Oct 2012

Henbit is native to Europe and Asia but can be found throughout the United States. It is common in crop fields, roadsides, pastures, and lawns throughout Mississippi.

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Strobilurin-resistant Frogeye Leaf Spot Confirmed in Mississippi Updated

🕔17:15, 5.Oct 2012

For the first time, strobilurin-resistant frogeye leaf spot was confirmed in MS during the 2012 season. Numerous states in our region have previously confirmed the presence of the resistant fungus.

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Insecticide Seed Treatments for Wheat Updated

🕔12:04, 5.Oct 2012

As we begin to gear up for wheat planting there have been several questions regarding the use of insecticide seed treatments. We have been testing insecticide seed treatments in wheat for several years and have seen a positive response in nearly every case.

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New Insecticides Labeled for Rice Updated

🕔21:09, 4.Oct 2012

Two new insecticides from Valent recently received federal labels for use in rice. The state approval is still pending, but expected soon. The insecticides are Belay and Nipsit INSIDE. Both of these insecticides have the same active ingedient, clothianidin.

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Weed of the Week: Annual Bluegrass Updated

🕔08:16, 4.Oct 2012

Identifying features of annual bluegrass are its light green color, low and clumping growth habit, open leaf sheath, and lack of hairs.

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Weed of the Week: Downy Brome Updated

🕔10:19, 26.Sep 2012

Downy brome can be problematic in some areas in winter wheat, pastures, and also in alfalfa.

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Weed of the Week: Cheat Updated

🕔16:57, 19.Sep 2012

Cheat is a tufted, erect, winter annual grass species that is native to Europe. Cheat prefers open areas with full sunlight, such as cultivated fields, roadsides, and pastures.

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Weed of the Week: Italian Ryegrass Updated

🕔10:39, 10.Sep 2012

Italian ryegrass plants germinate from fall through early spring, are highly competitive, and grow rapidly in the winter and early spring months.

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Weed of the Week: Texas Millet Updated

🕔08:21, 6.Sep 2012

Texas millet is native to the southern United States and can be found in crop fields, pastures, roadsides, and untended areas in Mississippi.

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Early leaf spot found in the greater Aberdeen area Updated

🕔10:49, 5.Sep 2012

Description and symptoms.  Yesterday I looked at some defoliating fields in the greater Aberdeen vicinity. The vines looked like someone had used a set of hedge shears to remove the foliage from between the rows and thin it in the

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Soilborne Diseases and Disorders of Soybean: Is it Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) or is Something Else Responsible? Updated

🕔17:19, 3.Sep 2012

Many diseases of soybean can produce a symptom of interveinal chlorosis. Stem canker, sudden death syndrome, Phytophthora root rot, southern blight, and several other less common diseases in the MS production system can all produce symptoms on the uppermost leaves that appear similar to SDS. However, disorders can also produce the same symptom and are oftentimes readily misdiagnosed at the field level.

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The Principles of Plant Pathology: The Disease Triangle and Influence of the Environment Updated

🕔17:38, 31.Aug 2012

Plant pathogens require a specific set of factors to occur at the same time for disease to begin. More often than not diseases require a prolonged conducive environment before the pathogen can produce observable symptoms.

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Insect Trap Counts, August 29, 2012

Insect Trap Counts, August 29, 2012 Updated

🕔13:30, 31.Aug 2012

Bollworm trap counts dropped slightly from the previous week in the Delta and Central MS regions while staying about the same in the Northeastern MS region. Tobacco budworm counts also dropped back some this week while beet armyworm counts were

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Impact of Hurricane Isaac on Soybean Rust and Potential Management Decisions

Impact of Hurricane Isaac on Soybean Rust and Potential Management Decisions Updated

🕔11:48, 31.Aug 2012

Over the past six weeks soybean rust has been detected in numerous soybean fields throughout Mississippi.  Even though it appears that a large number of counties have soybean plants infected with the disease, at present only low levels of soybean

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Weed of the Week: Southwestern Cupgrass Updated

🕔09:39, 30.Aug 2012

Southwestern cupgrass has become an increasing problem in recent years in Mississippi.

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Soybean Harvest Aids Updated

🕔08:43, 28.Aug 2012

Soybean harvest has begun in several places around the state. According to the USDA Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, 34% of the soybean acreage is dropping leaves and 9% has been harvested. Yield reports at this point are optimistic in

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Predicted conditions surrounding Isaac favor diseases of peanut Updated

🕔21:39, 26.Aug 2012

As of Sunday evening, it appears that Tropical Storm Isaac will slow, turn into a hurricane, and hit our Gulf Coast sometime Tuesday. Rainfall amounts are forecast in inches below I-20 and tropical storm conditions are expected to prevail for

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2012 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔11:08, 25.Aug 2012

This article lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This impartial information should help you better assess how many variety traits potentially work to affect wheat performance on your farm next season.

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