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Intrepid 2F Approved for a Crisis Exemption to Control Fall Armyworm on Rice in Mississippi

Intrepid 2F Approved for a Crisis Exemption to Control Fall Armyworm on Rice in Mississippi Updated

🕔14:57, 28.Jul 2021

A crisis Exemption for Intrepid 2F (methoxyfeonzide) has been approved in Mississippi to control fall armyworms in rice.  We had received numerous reports of unacceptable control of fall armyworms with pyrethroids in late June and early July across the state. 

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 24, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 24, 2021 Updated

🕔04:38, 24.Jul 2021

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Heliothine Trap Catches, July 23, 2021

Heliothine Trap Catches, July 23, 2021 Updated

🕔17:39, 23.Jul 2021

Bollworm pheromone trap catches were up sharply in the Delta region this week while the bollworm traps in Northeast MS were down slightly.

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Southwestern Corn Borer – July 17, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer – July 17, 2021 Updated

🕔22:11, 16.Jul 2021

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Heliothine Trap Catches, July 16, 2021

Heliothine Trap Catches, July 16, 2021 Updated

🕔14:03, 16.Jul 2021

Bollworm and tobacco budworm moth trap pheromone catches increased this week at most locations. However, trap catches are still below normal for this time of year for both species.

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MS Ag Industry Council – 2021 Row Crop Update Updated

🕔18:10, 14.Jul 2021

We welcome you to attend the Row Crop Update at the 2021 Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council Annual Convention. This event is hosted at Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama on Wednesday, July 21 starting at 8:00am.

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Bollworm Management in Early Bloom Cotton Updated

🕔15:49, 14.Jul 2021

There are reports of bollworm eggs starting to show up and in some areas are at or above egg threshold. In a normal year, the bollworm flight generally begins around July 4th and peaks about the 15th.  That timeline would

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ThryvOn Cotton (Podcast)

ThryvOn Cotton (Podcast) Updated

🕔15:14, 13.Jul 2021

ngus Catchot sits down in the Crop Doctors’ Podcast studio in Stoneville to talk with Whitney, Jason, and Tom about ThryvOn cotton.  ThryvOn is a new insect trait with activity against thrips and plant bugs, which is in the final

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Lessons learned from on-farm cover crop trials & strategies for planning fall stewardship

Lessons learned from on-farm cover crop trials & strategies for planning fall stewardship Updated

🕔11:26, 12.Jul 2021

Title: Lessons learned from on-farm cover crop trials & strategies for planning fall stewardship Location: Webinar Link out: Register Here Description: Learn about managing cover crops in the Midsouth. Reduce risk when getting started with cover crops by learning from the

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 10, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 10, 2021 Updated

🕔06:23, 10.Jul 2021

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Heliothine Moth Trap Catches, July 8, 2021

Heliothine Moth Trap Catches, July 8, 2021 Updated

🕔17:12, 8.Jul 2021

Bollworm moth catches in pheromone traps were similar or lower than last week, and continue to be lower than long-term average catches. However isolated traps sometimes catch large numbers of moths, so while the overall state should not have a

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 3, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – July 3, 2021 Updated

🕔11:14, 3.Jul 2021

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Heliothine Trap Catches, July 2, 2021

Heliothine Trap Catches, July 2, 2021 Updated

🕔14:15, 2.Jul 2021

Bollworm and tobacco budworm moth catches continued to be average to below average this week in all locations. However, as corn matures past the point where it is attractive to bollworms, more of these moths will begin laying their eggs

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Alert: Poor Control of Fall Armyworm Across the State – Soybean and Rice

Alert: Poor Control of Fall Armyworm Across the State – Soybean and Rice Updated

🕔11:10, 26.Jun 2021

We have had numerous calls over the last week or two about poor control of fall armyworm with pyrethroids.  They started in the southern part of the state and have rapidly expanded north.  The assumption has been that we are

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Soil Carbon Market Questions

Soil Carbon Market Questions Updated

🕔11:04, 26.Jun 2021

The best business managers have long-term, pro-active strategies to achieve their goals. Soil carbon (C) may not appear on the top, or even near the top of pressing concerns at this point in the season for growers. But this crop

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 26, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 26, 2021 Updated

🕔09:47, 26.Jun 2021

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How to Schedule Irrigation with Watermark Sensors

How to Schedule Irrigation with Watermark Sensors Updated

🕔19:51, 25.Jun 2021

Irrometer Watermark Series: Irrigation Triggers  Introduction An irrigation trigger is the point at which an irrigation cycle starts. Starting too wet wastes water and energy, while starting too dry reduces yield. In this publication, we give guidance on how

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Heliothine Pheromone Trap Catches, June 24, 2021

Heliothine Pheromone Trap Catches, June 24, 2021 Updated

🕔16:09, 24.Jun 2021

Bollworm moth catches were up slightly from last week in the Delta region but down in the Hills region. Overall, both bollworm and tobacco budworm moth catches were below average for the week.

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Estimating Nitrogen Loss in Corn from the June Flood

Estimating Nitrogen Loss in Corn from the June Flood Updated

🕔11:35, 19.Jun 2021

The recent extraordinary rainfall and flooding has generated substantial concern about nitrogen (N) loss in corn. This year’s event is very unique because it occurred much later in the season than we normally experience. Therefore, we will discuss how this timing affects estimating losses and associated nutrient management.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 19, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 19, 2021 Updated

🕔07:12, 19.Jun 2021

Corn borer trap numbers were variable and fairly low throughout the state this week.

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Heliothine Trap Counts, June 17, 2021

Heliothine Trap Counts, June 17, 2021 Updated

🕔15:19, 17.Jun 2021

Bollworm and tobacco budworm moth catches were both up slightly during the last week at most locations. Densities are much lower than last year at this time. Compared to long-term averages, bollworm catches are low in the Delta region and

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Immediately After the Flood Soil Management

Immediately After the Flood Soil Management Updated

🕔14:47, 11.Jun 2021

All photos courtesy of Tucker Miller Flooding is challenging Mississippi families, homes, and farms again, hence, this should be a review for many readers. The first Mississippi Crop Situation post about flooded soils was published in May 2011. There is

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Heliothine Pheromone Traps, June 11, 2021

Heliothine Pheromone Traps, June 11, 2021 Updated

🕔13:45, 11.Jun 2021

Pheromone trap catches for bollworm moths in Mississippi were steady to slightly higher this week while tobacco budworm trap catches remained low. Overall the trap catches were at or below historical averages for this time of year.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 4, 2021

Southwestern Corn Borer Traps – June 4, 2021 Updated

🕔09:35, 5.Jun 2021

Southwestern corn borer numbers have been very low (0-2 per trap) across the state to date.  We are not reporting the table of trap counts for each county this week, but will start posting county numbers next week.  One trap

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Trapping Nutrients in the Landscape

Trapping Nutrients in the Landscape Updated

🕔16:56, 4.Jun 2021

Photos courtesy of Dr. Mary L. Tagert The third part of Avoid, Control, and Trap agricultural environmental stewardship practices for nutrients and sediment is trapping them, literally keeping them on the land, reducing excess inputs to water bodies. Best Management

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