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MSU-DREC Rice Field Day – July 30, 2015 Updated

🕔15:36, 27.May 2015

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held in conjunction with the annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Summer Rice Grower Meeting this year on the afternoon of July 30 at the Capps Center in Stoneville..  The Farm Bureau meeting

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Wheat Disease Update: April 24, 2015

Wheat Disease Update: April 24, 2015 Updated

🕔10:35, 24.Apr 2015

For the most part the Mississippi wheat crop is clean with regards to foliar diseases. However, some important issues are occurring that need to be addressed with regards to Fusarium head blight, stem maggot feeding, and general herbicide injury as these three issues can easily be confused with one another at the field level.

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2015 Early-Season Peanut Pointers

2015 Early-Season Peanut Pointers Updated

🕔10:01, 26.Mar 2015

While we wait for the fields to dry up enough to get the 2015 planting season underway, here are a few peanut-related issues to pay attention to going into the season. – Jason Sarver • Inoculant usage continues to be

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What is Going On With Generic Azoxystrobin: the active ingredient in Abound, Quadris… Updated

🕔17:22, 27.Feb 2015

Updated Tuesday March 10, 2015. Added several  new fungicides to the pdf file;Mar.16.update2.azoxystrobin Strobe 2L which has a comprehensive label for field crops, vegetables, turf, and ornamentals. Trevo, (22.9% Azoxystrobin, for use on corn, cotton, rice, and soybeans). Updated Tuesday  March

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Scouting and Managing Wheat Stripe Rust Infection at Tillering Stages

Scouting and Managing Wheat Stripe Rust Infection at Tillering Stages Updated

🕔11:57, 12.Feb 2015

Stripe rust was detected in wheat in Washington County, MS in the wheat variety trial plots. Wheat fields in MS should be scouted at this time for the presence of stripe rust. Fungicide applications with products in the triazole (DMI) class of fungicides will prevent spread of the disease and in some cases where the disease has occurred and been observed in a wheat field may protect yield.

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2015 Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 21 and 22, 2015 Updated

🕔11:27, 16.Jan 2015

Find attached the agenda for the 42nd Annual Delta Ag Expo to be held in Cleveland, MS on Wednesday, January 21 and Thursday, January 22, 2015. We hope to see you in attendance at the Bolivar County Ag Expo Center.

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Soybean Green Stem Disorder: Brief Survey Updated

🕔17:47, 29.Dec 2014

Green stem disorder can be a sporadic issue from year-to-year and field-to-field. In the current blog post a survey is attached whereby individuals can answer five basic questions on their thoughts and opinions regarding the presence of green stem.

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2014 Delta Area Rice Meeting Updated

🕔11:45, 7.Nov 2014

The 2014 Delta area/Bolivar Co. Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on December 4, 2014. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension

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Foliar Soybean Disease Update: September 3, 2014 Updated

🕔22:04, 3.Sep 2014

Foliar diseases of soybean continue to be observed throughout the MS soybean production area. At present, no soybean rust has been detected in MS; however, Cercospora blight and frogeye leaf spot as well as several pod diseases (topic of the next blog post) are being observed in numerous soybean fields.

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Fungicide Phytotoxicity: Check the Fungicide Applied Prior to Blaming SDS

Fungicide Phytotoxicity: Check the Fungicide Applied Prior to Blaming SDS Updated

🕔18:28, 31.Aug 2014

Phytotoxicity, associated with the application of some specific foliar fungicide products, has been observed in numerous commercial soybean fields again this season. Keep in mind that the symptoms associated with fungicide phytotoxicity will appear quite similar to sudden death syndrome (SDS). However, SDS only occurs in light soil classes. When scouting fields, keep in mind that an entire field with SDS-like symptoms might be the result of fungicide phytotoxicity, thus not a disease after all.

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Soybean Disease Update: August 16, 2014 (UPDATED) Updated

🕔15:22, 16.Aug 2014

Diseases of soybean continue to be observed throughout the MS production system. At present, soybean rust has not been detected within MS; however, we continue to scout for the presence of rust, as well as additional diseases of economic importance throughout sentinel plots as well as commercial soybean fields. Frogeye leaf spot, sudden death syndrome, stem canker, and aerial blight continue to be hot topics for most soybean farmers.

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Soybean Disease Update: August 1, 2014 Updated

🕔11:10, 1.Aug 2014

Soybean diseases continue to be observed throughout MS. Brown spot, aerial web blight, frogeye leaf spot, Cercospora blight are the predominant foliar diseases observed at present. In addition, several root diseases are becoming apparent from fields across the state.

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What Should You do about Late Southern Corn Rust? Updated

🕔09:54, 1.Aug 2014

Southern corn rust continues to be observed throughout MS. We continue to receive calls regarding late fungicide applications (> R4/R5) to reduce yield losses attributed to southern rust. Numerous myths regarding the disease have been widely spread throughout the MS corn production area including death of a corn plant in as fast as 7 days following southern rust infection and lodging as a result of heavy southern rust infection.

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North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Row Crops Field Day on Thursday, August 7 Updated

🕔08:39, 25.Jul 2014

The North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Row Crops Field Day on Thursday, August 7 will present the latest research to the area’s row-crop farmers and consultants. The field day will be from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Lee County Agri-Center Magnolia Conference Center on Highway 145 South in Verona.

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Rice Leaf Blast Confirmed in Mississippi

Rice Leaf Blast Confirmed in Mississippi Updated

🕔16:36, 23.Jul 2014

Last week’s weather pattern in the Delta provided near perfect conditions for rice blast (Pyricularia grisea) to occur.  Rice blast is generally categorized by the plant part infected (e.g., leaf, neck, panicle).  Blast favors mild humid weather, frequent rainfall, and

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Checking peanuts? Take your shovel! Unlikely southern blight* expression found in south Delta. Updated

🕔23:11, 22.Jul 2014

Yesterday we found our first southern blight* damage to peanuts for 2014. The timing is not unusual, we generally start finding the disease when the crop canopy closes. What is unusual is where on the plants the disease was found.

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Foliar Soybean Disease Update: July 20, 2014 Updated

🕔15:57, 20.Jul 2014

Foliar diseases of soybean continue to be observed throughout the state. At present, no soybean rust has been detected in Mississippi. However, aerial web blight, downy mildew, frogeye leaf spot, and target spot have all been observed in light to severe situations depending on field location.

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Corn Disease Update: July 14, 2014 Updated

🕔21:41, 13.Jul 2014

Foliar corn diseases continue to be observed throughout MS. Even though common rust, gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and southern corn leaf blight continue to be observed at low levels, additional diseases have been encountered over the past two weeks.

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Managing Frogeye Leaf Spot with Fungicides: 2013 MS Trial Data Updated

🕔11:23, 12.Jul 2014

Numerous fungicide trials were conducted during the 2013 season to determine the effectiveness of some popular commercially available fungicides on managing frogeye leaf spot. Attached find data as related to some R5 and one R5.5 fungicide application on a frogeye leaf spot susceptible Maturity Group IV variety in Stoneville (4 trials) and Starkville (1 trial).

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Additional Fungicide Products Available for Soybean Production Systems – UPDATED 7/28/2014 Updated

🕔17:12, 11.Jul 2014

Several new fungicide products are commercially available for soybean productions systems this season. Affiance, Aproach, Aproach Prima, Cercobin, Equation, Fortix, Incognito (4.5F and 85WDG), Overrule, Topsin XTR, and Viathon all have labels for soybean production systems and may be marketed throughout MS for application to soybean plants. Rates, pre-harvest intervals, as well as the active ingredients and links to the full label are included.

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Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014

Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014 Updated

🕔09:27, 28.Jun 2014

Foliar corn diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS corn crop. Common rust, gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and southern corn leaf blight are all present at low levels throughout the Delta. As of Wednesday (June 25, 2014), southern corn rust had only been observed in southeastern MS (Forrest, George, Greene, Jackson, Perry, and Stone counties).

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Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season

Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season Updated

🕔22:00, 24.Jun 2014

Frogeye leaf spot management continues to be a hot topic during the 2014 season. Scattered reports of frogeye in R3+ soybean fields continue to be made. Most of the questions at this time tend to be regarding fungicide management suggestions at the R3/R4 application timing. Knowing what varieties are planted in fields is one of the most important determining factors since susceptible varieties should be managed differently at R3/R4 than frogeye tolerant varieties.

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Corn disease update June 13, 2014 Updated

🕔17:14, 13.Jun 2014

To date this has been a fairly light corn disease year. However, some lesser observed diseases, such as anthracnose leaf blight can be observed on the lowest leaves in some corn fields. Common rust, northern corn leaf blight, and to a much lesser extent southern corn leaf blight can also be observed in some corn fields.

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The Tassel Shot: When is the Best Time? Updated

🕔10:49, 6.Jun 2014

More and more corn growers are applying various management inputs around tassel stage in order to improve efficiency and corn productivity. This article discusses how crop physiology affects the appropriate timing and crop response.

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Delta Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Crops Field Day, June 17, 2014 Updated

🕔13:30, 30.May 2014

A corn, cotton, peanut, and soybean field day is scheduled for June 17th at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS. The general theme of the field day will include pertinent information for mid-season row crop issues.

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