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Harvest Prep

North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Row Crops Field Day on Thursday, August 7 Updated

🕔08:39, 25.Jul 2014

The North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Agronomic Row Crops Field Day on Thursday, August 7 will present the latest research to the area’s row-crop farmers and consultants. The field day will be from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Lee County Agri-Center Magnolia Conference Center on Highway 145 South in Verona.

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Results Updated

🕔10:59, 11.Feb 2014

The results from the Second Annual Future of Ag Graduate Student Competition are included in this post.

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Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014

Delta Ag Expo, Cleveland, MS – January 23 & 24, 2014 Updated

🕔11:08, 11.Jan 2014

Attached please find the agenda for the Delta Ag Expo in Cleveland, MS. Make careful note that the dates of the meeting have changed from previous years due to a minor scheduling conflict with the Bolivar County Exposition Center.

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Harvest Aid Options in Soybean Updated

🕔08:53, 20.Sep 2013

While weeds can create problems for harvest equipment, many producers see the benefit of a harvest aid in creating a more rapid and efficient harvest in the absence of weeds

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Determining When to Defoliate the 2013 Cotton Crop Updated

🕔15:29, 6.Sep 2013

It has often been said that cotton defoliation is more art than science.  This thought is further nurtured when harvest aids perform differently under seemingly similar conditions.  As with any pesticide application, many factors come into play when determining harvest

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2013 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide Updated

🕔16:32, 23.Aug 2013

During the 2011 growing season Chris Main, Bob Hayes, Tom Barber, Dan Reynolds, and myself put together a defoliation guide to cover Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi.  The folks at LSU have a similar guide for cotton in that state that

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Soybean Minute Radio Program Updated

🕔11:30, 12.Jul 2013

The Soybean Minute is a new radio program that can be heard on the Mississippi AgriNews Network. These reports, sponsored by the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board and the United Soybean Board, offer the latest information on soybean production in Mississippi.

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2012 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔10:05, 15.Nov 2012

The 2012 Row Crop Short Course will be held from December 3-5, 2012 at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University.  Pre-registration is free of charge until November 30 and will be $40 thereafter including at

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Frost and Peanuts: What to do and What not to do Updated

🕔11:57, 26.Oct 2012

Frost and Peanuts: What to do and What not to do Are you still digging peanuts? If so, is there a frost in your forecast? Dug peanuts that are not yet well air dried are quite susceptible to frost injury.

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Soybean Harvest Aids Updated

🕔08:43, 28.Aug 2012

Soybean harvest has begun in several places around the state. According to the USDA Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, 34% of the soybean acreage is dropping leaves and 9% has been harvested. Yield reports at this point are optimistic in

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2012 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide Updated

🕔14:10, 24.Aug 2012

Cotton harvest aid applications are beginning to go out on some of the earliest planted and/or burnt up cotton in several areas throughout the state.  As most know, there are several methods that can be used to time defoliation applications;

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Yield Reduction from late-season Corn Defoliation?

Yield Reduction from late-season Corn Defoliation? Updated

🕔16:12, 27.Jul 2012

There is some late-planted Mississippi corn which has not reached physiological maturity. This corn may have its yield reduced somewhat by severe problems or stress. Included is a chart which may help assess potential corn yield reduction or risk.

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When is the Best Time to Start Corn Harvest?

When is the Best Time to Start Corn Harvest? Updated

🕔21:26, 21.Jul 2012

Corn harvest will be upon us much sooner than normal and expectations are generally much higher than recent years. However, we still need to get this corn crop out of the field and safely deliver it to market. Methods to successfully harvest your corn crop may vary depending on several factors.

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2011 MSU Row Crop Short Course Video Links Updated

🕔20:02, 4.Feb 2012

The 2011 Mississippi State University Row Crop Short Course was held from December 5 – 7, 2011.  Topics covered during the Row Crop Short Course included insect and weed management, fertility management, agronomic aspects of crop production, and a farm

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Post-Harvest Crop Residue Management Updated

🕔17:34, 26.Sep 2011

After harvest, you face management decisions as you begin preparing fields for next year’s crop. Corn produces far more residue than most crops we are accustomed to, so it can cause considerable benefits or anxiety depending upon how you view it. This article attempts to address the pro’s and con’s of crop residue.

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Cotton Defoliation Temperature Advisory Updated

🕔16:51, 6.Sep 2011

The aftermath of Tropical Storm Lee has brought cooler than average temperatures to many areas of the state.  Maximum air temperatures are predicted to be in the high 70’s and low 80’s through Friday while minimum air temperatures are predicted

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Reminder: Cotton Defoliation Video Conference & Streaming Video Updated

🕔10:16, 25.Aug 2011

As mentioned last week, a few acres have been defoliated already; however, the vast majority likely will not be ready for at least 2 – 3 weeks.  In anticipation of large scale defoliation applications beginning soon, Mississippi State University,  in

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Cotton Defoliation Video Conference Updated

🕔14:59, 19.Aug 2011

As the 2011 cotton crop progresses toward harvest, defoliation has begun in a few areas.  While it will likely be several weeks before widespread defoliation applications take place, beginning to plan for these applications now may lead to increased success

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Corn Verification Crop Progress Update Updated

🕔15:00, 22.Jul 2011

Irrigated Corn Verification Fields are nearly mature, but did require a final irrigation this week to provide ample moisture to sustain the crop to physiological maturity. Some slight root lodging also recently occurred, but otherwise harvest progress should commence soon. Late-planted dryland fields still have a long way to go and are under drought stress.

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Late Season Corn Irrigation and Termination Updated

🕔00:35, 1.Jul 2011

Much of our late March planted irrigated corn is now reaching dent stage and will continue to fill kernels for another 20 days, if we help it do so. Therefore, you do not want to forgo any practices which may mitigate stress or pest issues yet. This article highlights irrigation needs and termination during the final growth stages.

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After the Flood: Row Crop Replanting Updated

🕔01:49, 10.Jun 2011

MSU Extension Service and MAFES researchers have compiled the following suggestions and information regarding replanting and managing row crops after the flood. Also included is post-flood crop insurance information.

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When is Wheat No Longer Vulnerable to Herbicide Injury Updated

🕔11:11, 13.May 2011

Many folks have inquired about specific information regarding wheat vulnerability to herbicides. This article specifically describes and contains photos to help identify the critical hard dough stage, when wheat is generally no longer vulnerable.

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Trying to Promote Wheat Harvest prior to Floodwater Updated

🕔17:03, 4.May 2011

Floodwater from the Mississippi river and other drainages threaten to destroy many acres of wheat which are ripening and approaching harvest. Many are wondering if there are any methods to hasten wheat maturity or permit harvest before floodwater destroys the crop.

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