High Numbers of Stink Bugs Showing Up in Some Mississippi Wheat Fields Updated

🕔07:46, 13.Apr 2011

We are beginning to see stink bugs show up in some wheat fields in the delta. It is not uncommon to find stink bugs in wheat after head emergence. However, it takes extremely high numbers to cause economic damage to heading wheat.

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Aphid Numbers Crashing in Mississippi Wheat Fields Updated

🕔09:49, 7.Apr 2011

Over the last 5-7 days aphid numbers have started crashing in wheat fields around the state. Our wheat test in Starkville went from several hundred per row foot on April 1st to less than 10 on April 4. Many consultants and dealers have told me they are seeing the same thing. A lot of this can be attributed to parasitized aphids from Lysiphlebus testaceipes (small parasitic wasp) but other cases may be contributed to various diseases that will take out aphid populations.

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Aphid Numbers Increasing in Mississippi Wheat Fields Updated

🕔08:12, 24.Mar 2011

Over the last week I have received several calls of very high aphid numbers in wheat.  The two species being found are Bird Cherry-Oat aphids (BCO) and Greenbugs.  I have had reports of treatable levels of Greenbugs being found but

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Key Corn Verification Findings Updated

🕔00:02, 12.Mar 2011

One of the objectives of this program is to identify key production limitations, so the Mississippi State University Extension Service and Experiment Station can better direct efforts to develop innovations for our specific problems. This is a summary of such limitations documented during the past few years.

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Overview of 2010 Insects in Rice and 2011 Outlook Updated

🕔08:33, 3.Mar 2011

Last year was a challenging year for insect pests of rice in Mississippi. In general, we experienced higher than normal populations of rice water weevil, rice stink bug, and fall armyworm.  Luckily from the rice water weevil standpoint, the two

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Monitoring Aphids in Mississippi Wheat Updated

🕔13:34, 1.Mar 2011

Several aphid species can be found in wheat throughout Mississippi each year. The most common are bird cherry-oat aphids, green bugs, and corn leaf aphids.

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Rice Update February 25, 2011 Updated

🕔13:59, 25.Feb 2011

This update covers rice burndown considerations, hybrid insecticide seed treatments, and 2011 USDA Outlook Agriculture Forum – Rice Planting Intentions.

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2010 Row Crop Short Course Video Links Updated

🕔13:57, 14.Feb 2011

The 2010 Row Crop Short Course was held at Mississippi State University on December 6 – 8, 2010.  As we expanded the Short Course in 2009, we also have adopted technology to record the oral and visual portions of the presentations. 

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Rice Insecticidal Seed Treatment Recommendations for Mississippi in 2011 Updated

🕔12:48, 14.Feb 2011

In Mississippi, the rice water weevil is the most important early to mid season pest in rice. Three years of research have shown that foliar pyrethroid applications provide variable results, and may not always provide acceptable control.

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Mississippi Cotton Insect Situation of 2010: A Look Back Updated

🕔07:40, 11.Feb 2011

Cotton producers in Mississippi planted approximately 425,000 acres of cotton in 2010. This was a 33% increase in acres compared to 2009. Approximately 5% of cotton in MS was planted to transgenic single gene Bt varieties and 90% of cotton acres was planted to dual toxin transgenic Bt varieties. The most popular varieties planted in 2010 were

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