Enlist and Xtend: What Mixtures Are Approved?
New auxin herbicide products have associated websites, which are considered extensions of the federal labels, that list additives and herbicides approved for mixture.
New auxin herbicide products have associated websites, which are considered extensions of the federal labels, that list additives and herbicides approved for mixture.
Target spot was one of the main diseases that occurred during 2016. Normally a disease of little consequence in soybean as well as cotton, severe target spot outbreaks were observed in both crops. Making decisions regarding the occurrence of target spot during 2016 are difficult since the environment during key plant growth stages was the most important ingredient for the occurrence of target spot last season.
Pipe Planner’s third weekly webinar series is set for next week. Below you will find the invitation for March 24. Follow the instructions embedded in the invitation and login to the meeting. All you need is a secure internet connection
Observing the preplant intervals for 2,4-D and dicamba prior to planting is important.
New labels for herbicide products to be used in Enlist and Xtend crops have unique application specifications.
Next week will begin Pipe Planner’s second installation of the weekly webinar series in March. Below you will find two separate invitations for the week on March 14 and March 17 . Select which webinar you would like to attend,
New auxin herbicide-resistant crop technologies are not a return to the days when Palmer amaranth of any size could be completely controlled with a single herbicide application
Mississippi State Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Service will host a crop marketing workshop March 8, 2017 at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS and March 9, 2017 at the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center.
To address the declining Mississippi River Valley Alluvial aquifer, Mississippi State University developed the Row-Crop Irrigation Science and Extension Research (RISER) program. RISER’s goal is to develop a science based approach for evaluating Irrigation Water Management (IWM) practices in the Mississippi Delta
New herbicide-resistant technologies offer the option to use herbicides previously not labeled for in-season application in cotton and soybean
New herbicide-resistant crop options are available for 2017 in the form of the Enlist Weed Control System from Dow Agrosciences and the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System from Monsanto.
Throw them away! As we begin to prepare for the up coming irrigation season here are some things to consider. Watermark soil moisture sensors are probably the most widely used sensor here in the Delta. We are now into the
Spring tillage with the intent of controlling GR Italian ryegrass is nearly futile.
In addition to the large scale on farm rice studies, MSU research has utilized controlled small plot research to verify the use of AWD in rice. PhD. candidate Lee Atwill shares his AWD investigations. Experiments were conducted at the Delta
MSU Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season. These meetings will focus on market outlooks, variety selection, weed management, insect and plant disease management, and other current crop production
Fields to be planted to rice that contain glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass should be managed aggressively
In 2015, Jeremy Jacks and brother in law, Trey Koger had a hilly field, traditionally planted in soybeans, adjacent to a large tract of conventionally grown rice. Faced with all the issues of herbicide drift if soybeans had been planted,
Mississippi producers interested in purchasing auxin-containing herbicides intended for in-crop use on 2,4-D- or dicamba-tolerant crops must first complete mandatory online training.
The Row-Crop Irrigation Science and Extension Research (RISER) was developed as a science based approach to evaluating irrigation Best Management Practices (BMPs) here in the Delta. The RISER program is designed to assist producers in reducing water use while maintaining
We have been working on an insect control guide app for a couple years and are proud to say it is now available in the app store for iPhones. Shortly we will be releasing a version for Android users as
On February 9th 2017, Mississippi State University will host the fifth annual Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition. The competition will be open to M.S. and Ph.D. students working in production agriculture. Over the last several years, there has been
From time to time the Irrigation Team at MSU is requested to investigate the effects of certain agronomic and cultural practices farmers use. Traditionally, many rice farmers chose to flood irrigate their soybeans. Rice farmers were accustom to pulling levees
In 2017, the need to maximize thrips control to avoid foliar applications will be more important than ever. With the introduction and anticipation of numerous acres with the new herbicide traits resistant to Dicamba, there will be NO INSECTICIDE tank
February 1, 2017 is the deadline for reporting your 2016 water usage. MDEQ should have sent each participate a survey for completion in the fall of 2016. The survey must be returned to MDEQ either by mail, fax, or the
An early burndown application in January or early-February for Italian ryegrass allows time to determine how well the first application worked and flexibility in deciding how to control escapes.