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Armyworms and Bollworms Becoming Widespread in Mississippi Crops

Armyworms and Bollworms Becoming Widespread in Mississippi Crops Updated

🕔09:22, 23.Jul 2016

Bollworm: We have had numerous reports of bollworm (soybean podworm corn earworm) moths being flushed and small larvae in cotton and soybeans over the last couple weeks. This past week seemed to be the turning point in soybean. Nearly anyone with

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts, July 23, 2016

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts, July 23, 2016 Updated

🕔09:00, 23.Jul 2016

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Pheromone Trap Counts and Assays, July 22, 2016

Pheromone Trap Counts and Assays, July 22, 2016 Updated

🕔13:51, 22.Jul 2016

Pheromone trap catches for tobacco budworm this week were at higher levels than normally seen during this time of year in all areas of the state. Bollworms were back down some this week after being quite high in some regions

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How to Determine when you can Terminate Corn Irrigation

How to Determine when you can Terminate Corn Irrigation Updated

🕔18:21, 19.Jul 2016

As the corn crop nears maturity, knowing when you can safely terminate irrigation timing, while optimizing yield potential is likely the most important decision you will face. In order to make this call, you need to estimate when the crop will reach maturity and how much moisture is present in your soil. This article outlines the steps needed to help make this process accurate and reliable.

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Soybean Disease Update: July 16, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: July 16, 2016 Updated

🕔11:51, 16.Jul 2016

Save for the appearance of a few common foliar diseases, the soybean disease situation remains fairly quiet. Septoria brown spot appears to be the most commonly occurring foliar disease. Scout fields for the presence of nematodes as well as stem diseases now to aid in next season’s decisions.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts, July 16, 2016

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts, July 16, 2016 Updated

🕔17:19, 15.Jul 2016


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Potassium Deficiency in Cotton Updated

🕔14:01, 15.Jul 2016

Cotton is blooming throughout Mississippi and a large portion of the crop is in good to excellent shape.  In addition, fruit retention is very good in most cases.  Once cotton begins to square and progresses into bloom, nutrient demands alter

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Managing Palmer Amaranth on Field Borders

Managing Palmer Amaranth on Field Borders Updated

🕔13:51, 15.Jul 2016

Controlling GR Palmer amaranth on turnrows and ditchbanks has become a critical component to weed control.

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Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am)

Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am) Updated

🕔01:30, 15.Jul 2016

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held in conjunction with the annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Summer Rice Grower Meeting this year on the morning of July 19 at the Capps Center in Stoneville.  The MSU-DREC Rice Field Day will

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Kudzu Bugs in Mississippi Soybeans

Kudzu Bugs in Mississippi Soybeans Updated

🕔12:22, 11.Jul 2016

Over the last couple weeks we have begun to get numerous calls about kudzu bugs infesting soybeans. Call are coming from all over the state. We no longer keep up with county level infestations but its safe to say they

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts, July 9, 2016

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts, July 9, 2016 Updated

🕔17:06, 8.Jul 2016

Southwestern corn borer trap counts remained very high in some areas this week. The highest counts reported were in Sunflower, Quitman, and Coahoma counties.

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Corn Disease Update: July 4, 2016

Corn Disease Update: July 4, 2016 Updated

🕔07:33, 5.Jul 2016

The corn disease season continues to be somewhat quiet. Few if any foliar diseases have been observed throughout MS. Southern rust continues to be observed in western and southern MS; however, the disease has only be observed at low levels (one to two leaves) in all situations to date.

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Chlorotic (Yellow) Coloration in Cotton

Chlorotic (Yellow) Coloration in Cotton Updated

🕔11:20, 2.Jul 2016

The 4th of July is very commonly associated with blooms appearing in Mississippi cotton.  Some cotton is already blooming in the state while some will certainly be after the 4th of July.  As cotton begins to set squares and eventually

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Fungicide-Associated Phytotoxicity: Update Following 2015 Observations

Fungicide-Associated Phytotoxicity: Update Following 2015 Observations Updated

🕔07:06, 2.Jul 2016

Over the past several years, phytotoxicity has continued to be an important topic of conversation. Phytotoxicity can ultimately result following the application of numerous fungicide products.  The specific symptoms associated with phytotoxicity can appear as interveinal chlorosis (either mild, moderate

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North Mississippi Row Crops Field Day: August 11, 2016, Verona, MS

North Mississippi Row Crops Field Day: August 11, 2016, Verona, MS Updated

🕔06:39, 2.Jul 2016

The North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Field Day is scheduled for August 11, 2016 from 8 am to 1:30 pm with lunch provided.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts: July 2, 2016

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts: July 2, 2016 Updated

🕔19:53, 1.Jul 2016

Southwestern corn borer trap catches appear to be peaking this week. Several counties had individual traps with numbers at or near the current threshold and a couple well above threshold. As a reminder, the current threshold is 50 per trap

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts: June 25, 2016

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts: June 25, 2016 Updated

🕔20:08, 24.Jun 2016

Southwestern corn borer numbers increased significantly in some areas this week. The highest numbers were 377 caught in Leflore County and 450 caught in Coahoma County.  The current threshold in the 2016 Insect Control Guide suggests spraying when 50 moths are caught

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Heliothine Trap Catches, June 22, 2016

Heliothine Trap Catches, June 22, 2016 Updated

🕔16:41, 24.Jun 2016

In the Delta, trap catches of corn earworm and tobacco budworm were similar to last week, which is lower than average for this time of year. However, in the Northeastern Hills, tobacco budworm catches were higher while bollworm catches were

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Caterpillars Infesting Field Corn

Caterpillars Infesting Field Corn Updated

🕔15:57, 24.Jun 2016

Much of the corn has reached the reproductive stages, while some is still in the vegetative stages. Several caterpillars, including fall armyworm and corn earworm, can infest corn, especially non-Bt corn, during both stages of development.

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2015 Frogeye Leaf Spot Fungicide Evaluations

2015 Frogeye Leaf Spot Fungicide Evaluations Updated

🕔16:28, 19.Jun 2016

Numerous fungicide trials were conducted during 2015 to determine the efficacy of fungicides on frogeye leaf spot. Included in this post are the majority of the soybean fungicide trials conducted at R2, R3, and R5 in Stoneville, MS on a FLS-susceptible soybean variety. A total 39 different product or product combinations were evaluated. A summary table is included to highlight a specific product and the trials that particular product was included in.

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2015 Root-knot Nematode Soybean OVT Gall Ratings and Yield

2015 Root-knot Nematode Soybean OVT Gall Ratings and Yield Updated

🕔17:34, 18.Jun 2016

The entries contained in the MSU soybean OVT were screened for their sensitivity to the root-knot nematode during 2015. Contained within this blog post are the root galling responses of 133 entries as well as the yield from the RKN infested location.

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Soybean Disease Update: June 18, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: June 18, 2016 Updated

🕔16:39, 18.Jun 2016

Soybean diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS soybean production system. Over the past several weeks calls have centered on Septoria brown spot, Southern blight, and some limited questions regarding soybean rust.

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Soybean R3/R4 Fungicide Selection

Soybean R3/R4 Fungicide Selection Updated

🕔11:00, 18.Jun 2016

Numerous questions over the past few weeks regarding fungicide product selection for the R3/R4 soybean application timing. Specific comments regarding the efficacy of products on frogeye leaf spot will be presented in an additional blog post. In this post, comments regarding application volume, fungicide application rates and decision on specific products.

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Corn Disease Update: June 18, 2016

Corn Disease Update: June 18, 2016 Updated

🕔07:00, 18.Jun 2016

To date, disease issues in the MS corn crop have remained somewhat quiet. Common rust has been the most prevalent disease as a result of wetter and cooler temperatures until the past 7 to 10 days. As of this morning (6/18/2016), southern rust has not been detected in MS.

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Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts: June 18, 2016

Southwestern Corn Borer Trap Counts: June 18, 2016 Updated

🕔22:40, 17.Jun 2016

Overall, southwestern corn borer traps remained low throughout the state. However, one trap in Leflore county captured 178 moths over a 7 day period. Although they do not appear to be widespread, this indicates that there may be pockets with

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