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Rice Stink Bug Update: June 19,2015 Updated

🕔09:36, 19.Jun 2015

As some of the earliest planted rice is getting close to heading, it is time to start thinking about rice stink bug. We have been sweeping headed grass around the Delta for the past two weeks to determine what kind of populations are around.

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Soybean Insect Management: The Most Common Questions and Myths… Updated

🕔07:58, 19.Jun 2015

This is a recycled article from 2012 and slightly updated but it fits well with recent calls. Sentences in italics have been added or updated since original posting. I have been getting quite a few calls about whether or not

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What is going on!

What is going on! Updated

🕔05:31, 19.Jun 2015

With the use of irrigation moisture sensors increasing in Mississippi, growers are reporting that their moisture sensor values are remaining high after an irrigation event.  Growers are confused and frustrated that irrigation water is just not getting in the ground. 

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Tillage Study on Sealing Soils Results look Promising. Updated

🕔05:25, 19.Jun 2015

Here are the results of one of our tillage studies where we tilled the middles with a parabolic anhydrous knife at layby in soybeans vs an untilled check.  The moisture sensors had been in the ground for a number of

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MSU Scientists Study Tie Between Insecticides and Bee Health Updated

🕔13:07, 18.Jun 2015

By Keri Collins Lewis MSU Ag Communications STARKVILLE, Miss. — “Just mentioning bees and pesticides in the same sentence is sure to get a buzz,” said Angus Catchot, an entomologist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. Media skirmishes about

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USDA Safety Net Program Enrollment Reminder Updated

🕔09:48, 18.Jun 2015

Eligible producers may now enroll in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs for 2014 and 2015. The enrollment period begins June 17, 2015, and will end Sept. 30, 2015. Eligible producers who have made program

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Kudzu Bugs Numerous in MS Soybeans This Year

Kudzu Bugs Numerous in MS Soybeans This Year Updated

🕔13:43, 17.Jun 2015

This year we have seen tremendous population growth and expansion of Kudzu bugs from previous years. We have treated some acres already that were at threshold and I am confident that there will be many more to come based on what we are seeing around the state including the Delta region.

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Sugarcane Aphids and Sorghum Midge: MS Grain Sorghum

Sugarcane Aphids and Sorghum Midge: MS Grain Sorghum Updated

🕔10:07, 17.Jun 2015

Over the last 7-10 days reports of sugarcane aphids in grain sorghum are becoming more frequent across the state. To date, I am not aware of any applications going out yet but numbers within some fields are definitely increasing. So far I have had about 10 reports of findings from the Delta region ranging from Cleveland to south of Inverness.

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Peanut Growers: Tropical Storm Bill Updated

🕔08:49, 15.Jun 2015

Posted June 16, 2015. The low pressure in the Gulf has turned into tropical storm Bill. It is now predicted to impact the coast further south than it was several days ago. Updated forecasts by NOAA indicate that the primary

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Cotton Nutrient Deficiency – Boron

Cotton Nutrient Deficiency – Boron Updated

🕔17:25, 12.Jun 2015

Boron is a micronutrient that plays a role in cell wall structure and the formation of proteins within plants.  Boron deficiency is more common in younger leaf tissue toward the top of the cotton plant.  Deficiency symptoms may appear as

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Pheromone Trap Counts, June 12, 2015

Pheromone Trap Counts, June 12, 2015 Updated

🕔17:10, 12.Jun 2015

Pheromone trap catches for bollworm, tobacco budworm and southwestern corn borer were very low throughout the state this past week. However, bollworm catches were slightly higher than last week, so we may be seeing the first moths of the next

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Be Aware of Wheat Seed Laws

Be Aware of Wheat Seed Laws Updated

🕔15:17, 12.Jun 2015

As wheat harvest is being completed and we begin making marketing and future cropping plans it is important to understand seed laws pertaining to wheat. This article explains the ramifications of PVP and Patent protection pertaining to wheat seed.

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Understanding Surge Valve Setup Updated

🕔20:42, 9.Jun 2015

We are having lots of questions concerning the proper set up of surge valves. First,   please consider some of the basic terminology associated with furrow irrigation with surge valves. We encourage you to visit       and view the video

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Crazy Top Downy Mildew of Grain Sorghum Observed in Many Delta Fields

Crazy Top Downy Mildew of Grain Sorghum Observed in Many Delta Fields Updated

🕔18:05, 8.Jun 2015

Crazy top downy mildew has been observed in numerous grain sorghum fields over the past two weeks. The general symptoms associated with the disease can oftentimes be confused for herbicide injury as well as a nutrient deficiency. Fields with grain sorghum that may have stood in water for an extended period of time may have become infected by the soilborne fungus.

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Pheromone Trap Counts, June 5, 2015

Pheromone Trap Counts, June 5, 2015 Updated

🕔16:00, 5.Jun 2015

This is the first week this year I am reporting trap counts but we have had most traps out for at least 2-3 weeks. Overall trap catches have been average to light. This week, the trap catches for corn earworm

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New Data Available on Sealing Soils

New Data Available on Sealing Soils Updated

🕔10:34, 5.Jun 2015

If you farm old traditional cotton soils, most likely you have recognized that irrigation water tends to run down the row, racing to the tail ditch.  If you have noticed this, you have a “sealing soil”.  If you are using

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Watermark Sensors, Calculating Soil Moisture for Irrigation Initiation. Updated

🕔10:34, 5.Jun 2015

With irrigation season ramping up quickly, Mississippi State University Extension Service has lots of expertise and programs available to assist with your needs. One tool that we are using to better assess soil moisture and schedule appropriate irrigation is Watermark™

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How much Nitrogen have I Lost from Saturated Soils?

How much Nitrogen have I Lost from Saturated Soils? Updated

🕔09:41, 5.Jun 2015

Abundant rainfall has soaked corn fields for extended time during April and late May, exposing nitrogen fertilizer to potential loss. This article gives guidelines for estimating potential N loss.

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Choose Fungicide Product for Soybean Fields Based on Variety Planted

Choose Fungicide Product for Soybean Fields Based on Variety Planted Updated

🕔15:13, 31.May 2015

Choosing a foliar fungicide product for either a common fungicide application at a specific growth stage in the absence of foliar disease or in the presence of disease should be based on the soybean variety planted. Widespread fungicide resistance to the strobilurin fungicides in the MS soybean production system within the frogeye leaf spot fungal population may ultimately change how we use fungicides. Choose a fungicide product based on whether or not frogeye will occur in a susceptible variety rather than choosing a fungicide based on price.

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What is Appropriate Timing for the “Tassel Shot” on Corn?

What is Appropriate Timing for the “Tassel Shot” on Corn? Updated

🕔15:58, 29.May 2015

More growers are implementing different “tassel shot” inputs as part of their corn management program. Wet weather and other issues may further complicate application timing of such inputs. This article discusses whether specific timing makes a big difference or not?

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Soybean “Mystery Disease” Update

Soybean “Mystery Disease” Update Updated

🕔13:44, 29.May 2015

Over the past several years a root disease of soybean has been observed throughout MS as well as adjacent states. Presently, research is being conducted to determine the causal organism(s) involved in the disease. On Wednesday (May 27), plants in several fields were observed throughout the Inverness as well as Leflore County (Quito) area. The fields have historically had an issue with this particular root disease. Some of the general symptoms and signs of the disease and a general update regarding research project are included in this particular post.

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Cotton Injury From Early Season Herbicide Applications

Cotton Injury From Early Season Herbicide Applications Updated

🕔10:01, 29.May 2015

Several calls have come in regarding early season herbicide injury in cotton to both myself and Jason Bond.  It is not uncommon to see cotton injury from applications of Sequence or metolachlor products mixed with glyphosate and/or Liberty.  Undoubtedly, the

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MSU-DREC Rice Field Day – July 30, 2015 Updated

🕔15:36, 27.May 2015

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held in conjunction with the annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Summer Rice Grower Meeting this year on the afternoon of July 30 at the Capps Center in Stoneville..  The Farm Bureau meeting

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Reminder: Scout Schools Start Next Week Updated

🕔07:32, 23.May 2015

Mississippi State University will be hosting 5 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, weed identification, and

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Mixed Bag of Early Season Caterpillar Defoliators in Soybean Updated

🕔07:23, 23.May 2015

Over the last couple of weeks I have had numerous calls about caterpillar pest in young soybeans. Most of these have been concerning beans that are still in the vegetative stages (V2-V5). The species that are being found are bollworm, yellowstriped armyworm, green cloverworm, granulated cutworm, alfalfa caterpillar, cabbage looper, garden webworm, and yellowstriped armyworm.

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