2015 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops
The 2015 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops in Mississippi is now available. The online version can be accessed here: 2015 ICG . Printed versions will be available shortly.
The 2015 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops in Mississippi is now available. The online version can be accessed here: 2015 ICG . Printed versions will be available shortly.
On February 5th 2015, Mississippi State University will host the third annual Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition. The competition will be open to M.S. and Ph.D. students working in production agriculture.
Green stem disorder can be a sporadic issue from year-to-year and field-to-field. In the current blog post a survey is attached whereby individuals can answer five basic questions on their thoughts and opinions regarding the presence of green stem.
Disease severity was rated for each of the OVT soybean entries at all locations planted during 2014. Varieties were rated using a 0-9 scale where 0=no disease and 9=severe disease symptoms. The attachments on this blog post contain the Maturity Group V early and late entries.
Metribuzin is an important herbicide for controlling numerous weed species in wheat. However, wheat varieties may differ in tolerance to metribuzin. These are the results from our evaluation of wheat varieties included in the MSU Wheat Variety Trials. This should help you better assess potential for wheat crop injury.
Find below All data from the 2014 Small Plot Cotton Official Variety Trial (OVT). During 2014, small plot cotton variety trials were conducted near the following locations; Brooksville, Clarksdale, Itta Bena, Senatobia, Starkville, Stoneville, Tunica, and Verona. The Cotton OVT
The Row-Crop Irrigation Science and Extension Research (RISER) was developed as a science based approach to evaluating irrigation Best Management Practices (BMPs) here in the Delta. The RISER program is designed to assist producers in reducing water use while maintaining
The On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance. These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soil types and management systems around the state. Demonstration sets for both maturity group
Earlier this year the Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory lowered the fee for poultry litter analysis. Nutrient content of litter used for fertilizer varies up to 60%. Crop producers should have a recent analysis of litter so appropriate land application rates
Delta area producer and landowners don’t want to miss the Dec. 10, 2014 Irrigation and Water Conservation Summit at the Capps Center in Stoneville, Miss. The event will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will conclude at 3:20 p.m. Lunch will
Variety selection is one of the most critical management decisions associated with soybean production. Factors such as soil type, planting date, irrigation capabilities, row spacing, harvest capacity, and others may influence the decision of selecting an appropriate variety for profitable
Disease severity was rated for each of the OVT soybean entries at all locations planted during 2014. Varieties were rated using a 0-9 scale where 0=no disease and 9=severe disease symptoms. The attachments on this blog post contain the Maturity Group IV and early and late entries. The MG V entries will be along shortly.
The MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program evaluates superior corn hybrids from numerous seed companies who market corn in Mississippi. Our objective is to provide you more opportunity to evaluate premier corn hybrids and substantially supplement the independent and unbiased information gathered in the University Hybrid Trials.
Disease severity was rated for each of the OVT soybean entries at all locations planted during 2014. Varieties were rated using a 0-9 scale where 0=no disease and 9=severe disease symptoms. The attachments on this blog post contain the Maturity Group IV and V Conventional and LibertyLink entries. The MG IV and V RR entries will be along shortly.
The 2014 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University on December 1-3, 2014. Attendance is free of charge if you pre-register. Pre-registration is available until November 26. Registration
Last summer we discussed the potential benefits of properly managing and irrigating multiple inlet rice fields. The advantages of multiple inlet include rapid flood establishment, reduced N loss, and more precise and easier flood control. The greatest advantage of multiple
We received a phone call this morning from a Delta grower requesting assistance with his flow meter readings. Before the weather turns wet and cold, he had decided to collect the data from his well’s flow meters for reporting by
Monday’s Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates reports from USDA reversed last month’s changes and increased the expected size of the U.S. crop. Total U.S. production is forecast at 16.4 million bales, up 140,000 from October. The national yield was raised
The 2014 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Bost Extension Center on the campus of Mississippi State University on December 1-3, 2014. Attendance is free of charge if you pre-register. Pre-registration is available until November 26. Registration
The 2014 Delta area/Bolivar Co. Rice Meeting will be held at the Bolivar Co. Extension office on December 4, 2014. Mississippi rice producers, industry professionals, and other interested parties are invited to listen to presentations from MSU research and Extension
Multiple workshops related to the 2014 farm bill have been scheduled for December. These workshops are targeted at our numerous crop producers and will provide detailed information on the new ‘covered commodity’ programs (ARC & PLC), new crop insurance products
There has been a tremendous amount of scrutiny put on the neonicotinoid class of chemistry in recent years because of the potential link to declines in bee numbers. Researchers are working feverishly across the nation and the globe to determine the exact causes of bee decline. No doubt pesticides can and likely play a role to some degree, but there are many factors that also influence bee health such as habitat loss, Varroa mites, and diseases.
Boll rot appeared to be a common occurrence in numerous cotton fields at the end of the 2014 season. However, not all boll rot can be attributed to bacterial blight, especially in situations where the disease was not observed prior to harvest. Secondary fungal infection can ultimately obscure the observable boll symptoms associated with bacterial blight. Keep this in mind when scouting fields at the end of the season as bacterial blight boll lesions can oftentimes be obscured by secondary fungal invaders.
This effort lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior productivity in the MSU Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. Approximately 80 corn hybrids representing the vast majority of seed companies in the Mid-South participate in the MSU hybrid trials. This information should help you better assess corn hybrid productivity and improve your success in future seasons for either irrigated or dryland culture.
Variety trials were rated at the NMREC to determine the sensitivity of MG IV and V soybean varieties to frogeye leaf spot as well as Cercospora blight. Varieties were using a 0-9 scale where 0=no disease and 9=severe disease symptoms. Yield data will be available in a few weeks as this post only contains the analyzed rating values for the varieties contained in the trial at Verona.