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Will We Need to Irrigate Our Corn Again?

Will We Need to Irrigate Our Corn Again? Updated

🕔23:45, 3.Jul 2014

Considering the abundant rainfall during June and the corn crop progressing closer toward maturity, many are wondering whether additional irrigation may even be needed. This article discusses how to make that and other late-season irrigation decisions.

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The 2014 Mississippi Soybean Disease Monitoring Network Updated

🕔16:24, 3.Jul 2014

Sentinel plots were planted in the spring of 2014 to serve as a source of soybean plants for monitoring important, potentially yield-limiting soybean diseases throughout MS. The sentinel plot network has protected MS soybean farmers for 9 years now. With financial aid from the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board and the United Soybean Board, the sentinel plots will be scouted for the remainder of the 2014 season.

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Insect Trap Catches, July 3, 2014

Insect Trap Catches, July 3, 2014 Updated

🕔16:21, 3.Jul 2014

Bollworm catches were similar to the previous week while tobacco budworm counts continue to slowly rise. Neither is particularly high for this time of year. Southwestern corn borer counts were up sharply this week, with a few traps in the

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Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014

Corn Disease Update: June 28, 2014 Updated

🕔09:27, 28.Jun 2014

Foliar corn diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS corn crop. Common rust, gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and southern corn leaf blight are all present at low levels throughout the Delta. As of Wednesday (June 25, 2014), southern corn rust had only been observed in southeastern MS (Forrest, George, Greene, Jackson, Perry, and Stone counties).

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Assessing Control of Tarnished Plant Bug in Prebloom Cotton

Assessing Control of Tarnished Plant Bug in Prebloom Cotton Updated

🕔12:41, 27.Jun 2014

Tarnished plant bug numbers have actually started off at low to moderate levels this year in the Delta region but just in the last few days numbers seem to be picking up pretty good in a few locations and square

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Trap Catches, June 27, 2014

Trap Catches, June 27, 2014 Updated

🕔11:46, 27.Jun 2014

Bollworm counts this week were similar to last week’s counts. Other than 1 trap in Sunflower County that caught 593 moths during the week, trap catches were all less than 100 moths/trap. Tobacco budworm catches inched higher for the second week

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Armyworms in Rice, Again! Updated

🕔09:40, 27.Jun 2014

It appears that 2014 is going to be the year of the armyworm in rice. I have had numerous calls, texts, and Tweets about armyworms in rice over the last week. If you have not had them in your rice to this point, consider yourself very lucky.

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Programing a Surge Valve Updated

🕔10:30, 26.Jun 2014

We are having lots of questions concerning the proper set up of surge valves. First,   please consider some of the basic terminology associated with furrow irrigation. We encourage you to visit       and view the video before continuing. Phases

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White Sugarcane Aphid: A Potentially Devastating Pest of Grain Sorghum Updated

🕔10:25, 26.Jun 2014

In 2013 a new aphid pest called the White Sugarcane Aphid, Melanaphis sacchari, was detected in grain sorghum in 38 counties in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and one county in Mississippi. This species has apparently been around for years but the hosts switch to grain sorghum appears to be new. This pest can be devastating to grain sorghum if populations reach high densities. In fact, some fields have seen 100% yield loss. Another major factor is this aphid is difficult to control with currently labeled products.

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Economic Benefits of Properly Managing Multiple Inlet Rice Irrigation

Economic Benefits of Properly Managing Multiple Inlet Rice Irrigation Updated

🕔08:51, 26.Jun 2014

With water being one of the most expensive inputs of the rice producer, utilizing methods to limit the amount of water used makes economic sense. Adoption of multiple inlet irrigation has allowed producers to reduce water consumption. Water use with

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Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke?

Is My Soil Moisture Sensor Broke? Updated

🕔07:43, 26.Jun 2014

The importance of soil moisture sensors is becoming more evident as we continue forward this growing season. Today (Monday, June 16th), we received a call regarding sensor readings that were assessed early this morning. The following are the data discussed in this scenario.

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Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season

Frogeye Leaf Spot Management Suggestions for the 2014 Season Updated

🕔22:00, 24.Jun 2014

Frogeye leaf spot management continues to be a hot topic during the 2014 season. Scattered reports of frogeye in R3+ soybean fields continue to be made. Most of the questions at this time tend to be regarding fungicide management suggestions at the R3/R4 application timing. Knowing what varieties are planted in fields is one of the most important determining factors since susceptible varieties should be managed differently at R3/R4 than frogeye tolerant varieties.

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Soybean Irrigation Initiation Updated

🕔10:00, 23.Jun 2014

Although we have received lots of rainfall this season, it is time to initiate irrigation in soybean. Keep in mind that irrigation during the early vegetative phase provides little to no yield benefit. The reason to apply irrigation during the

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How to Use Watermark Sensors to Assess Soil Moisture and Schedule Irrigation

How to Use Watermark Sensors to Assess Soil Moisture and Schedule Irrigation Updated

🕔00:37, 21.Jun 2014

Row crop irrigation needs are ramping up and one of the tools we can use to better assess soil moisture is Watermark sensors. This article describes how to analyze the data generated by sensors to help you better schedule irrigation.

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Soybean herbicide options for delayed postemergence applications targeting Palmer amaranth Updated

🕔16:44, 20.Jun 2014

With most of Mississippi receiving large amounts of rain during early June, opportunities for herbicide applications in soybean have been rare up to this week. Several calls have come in regarding herbicide options in situations where the weather has prevented

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Trap Counts, June 20, 2014

Trap Counts, June 20, 2014 Updated

🕔15:51, 20.Jun 2014

Bollworm trap catches were up in the Delta region this week to levels about normal for this time of year. Most bollworm eggs will be laid in corn at this time when many corn fields are at silk stage. University research

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Importance of Monitoring Square Retention in Young Cotton Updated

🕔14:23, 19.Jun 2014

Square retention is a critical component of early season plant bug management. I would strongly encourage you to take square retention counts along with your sweep net counts prior to bloom. Not only does this help in the decision making process of treating plant bugs, but it also helps you to get a better idea of how the products you are applying are working. Numbers alone can be deceiving when adults are steady moving into the field. When large numbers of adults are migrating into a field it is not uncommon to have as many or more plant bugs 4-5 days after a spray than you did before you sprayed and it still would not equate to a control failure.

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Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies in Mississippi Soybeans Updated

🕔18:25, 14.Jun 2014

Diagnosing nutrient deficiencies is not rocket science, but can be cumbersome.  Many nutrient related issues occur early in season and can sometimes mimic herbicide injury in appearance.  In many instances it is difficult to tell the two apart. Most often

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Corn disease update June 13, 2014 Updated

🕔17:14, 13.Jun 2014

To date this has been a fairly light corn disease year. However, some lesser observed diseases, such as anthracnose leaf blight can be observed on the lowest leaves in some corn fields. Common rust, northern corn leaf blight, and to a much lesser extent southern corn leaf blight can also be observed in some corn fields.

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Mississippi State University/Monsanto Company Field Day – July 10, 2014 – Robinsonville, MS Updated

🕔16:17, 13.Jun 2014

Mississippi State University and Monsanto Company will be conducting a field day in Robinsonville, MS on Thursday, July 10, 2014.  The field day will focus on the Roundup Ready(R) Xtend Crop System in cotton and soybeans.  Field demonstrations will include cotton and soybean germplasm

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Mississippi State University/Dow AgroSciences Field Day – Dundee, MS – July 2, 2014 Updated

🕔15:38, 13.Jun 2014

Mississippi State University and Dow AgroSciences will be conducting a field day at the farm of Douglas and Chris Hood on Wednesday, July 2, 2014.  The field day will begin at 9 a.m. and will focus on Enlist(TM) Weed Control System in

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Caterpillars Infesting Mississippi Field Corn Updated

🕔11:51, 13.Jun 2014

There are several caterpillar pests that commonly infest field corn in Mississippi. These include corn earworm, fall armyworm, and southwestern corn borer.

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Insect Trap Counts, June 13, 2014

Insect Trap Counts, June 13, 2014 Updated

🕔11:02, 13.Jun 2014

Bollworm trap counts were higher in Lowndes county this week, but all other locations were similar to the previous week. Tobacco budworm catches remain at very low levels throughout the state. Southwestern corn borer counts were also very low throughout

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Soybean Crop Update and Replant Decisions Updated

🕔10:58, 13.Jun 2014

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, 89% of the soybean acreage is planted as of the week ending June 8, 2014. At this time, 82% of the crop is emerged. The remaining acres to be planted

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Delta Area “Turn Row Talks” on Water Conservation Announced Updated

🕔07:58, 13.Jun 2014

On June 9, leaders from the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board, key personnel from the Mississippi State University Extension Service, and stakeholder organizations a part of the Delta Sustainable Water Resources Task Force formally announced a series of summer irrigation “Turn Row Talks” to be held across the Delta during the month of July for producers to attend local, on-farm demonstrations of water conservation efforts being implemented and utilized by growers in their respective areas.

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