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How to Tell Northern Corn Leaf Blight Apart from Urea Burn or Some Other Malady Updated

🕔21:21, 12.Jun 2013

Numerous reports of urea injury producing symptoms similar to northern corn leaf blight have been made over the past several weeks. Determining the difference between the two issues on a corn leaf can be difficult. Numerous photos as well as a comparison table of the differences between the two issues are included in the post.

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Corn Disease Update: June 7, 2013, and Specific Information Regarding Northern Corn Leaf Blight Updated

🕔08:03, 8.Jun 2013

Northern corn leaf blight and common rust continue to be identified in corn fields throughout the south Delta. Determining the specific corn hybrids planted in each field is an important first step every season. For the most part, save for a couple of fields, NCLB has still been detected at extremely low levels (= 1 lesion per leaf per plant).

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Crop Market Update: Week Ending Jun 07, 2013 Updated

🕔15:59, 7.Jun 2013

Monday’s crop progress had corn planting at 91% complete, just 4% behind the 5-year average. Soybeans are still behind schedule with planting progress currently at 57% for the U.S. crop and 74% for the Mississippi crop. That compares to 5

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Pheromone Trap Counts, June 7, 2013

Pheromone Trap Counts, June 7, 2013 Updated

🕔14:20, 7.Jun 2013

Bollworm and tobacco budworm trap counts were somewhat lower this week compared to last week. Bollworm counts are higher than last year, but lower than the 5-year average counts. Tobacco budworm counts are among the lowest recorded during the last

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The Tassel Shot: What is the Best Timing? Updated

🕔23:25, 4.Jun 2013

More and more growers are applying various management inputs around tassel stage in order to improve efficiency and corn productivity. This article discusses how crop physiology affects the potential yield response and appropriate timing.

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Postemergence control of Palmer amaranth in soybean Updated

🕔08:08, 4.Jun 2013

Where Palmer amaranth has emerged, it is imperative to make a timely application of a postemergence herbicide.

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Pheromone Trap Counts, May 31, 2013

Pheromone Trap Counts, May 31, 2013 Updated

🕔17:05, 3.Jun 2013

Both bollworm and tobacco budworm trap catches were higher during the last week of May compared to the preceding week. Bollworm counts are also higher than during 2012, and more in line with earlier years.

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Soybean Fungicide Management Considerations for 2013 Updated

🕔14:26, 1.Jun 2013

Over the past week we’ve received two reports of frogeye leaf spot in reproductive soybeans. In both cases, a susceptible variety was planted and frogeye leaf spot symptoms can be clearly distinguished throughout the canopy. Following the observation and reports of strobilurin-resistant frogeye leaf spot in two fields in MS last year, and from adjacent states, it is most important to determine what particular soybean variety is planted in a field prior to making a decision on a specific fungicide product for yield loss prevention.

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Mississippi Rice Progress – May 31, 2013 Updated

🕔09:59, 1.Jun 2013

In general, rice planting is nearly completed and most rice planted before early May is going to flood.  According to USDA’s Crop Progress Report, growers in Mississippi had planted 72% of the expected acreage by Sunday, May 26.  Other than

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Planting Progress and Early Season Weed/Thrips Control Updated

🕔09:44, 1.Jun 2013

A good deal of progress was made this past week with respect to getting the 2013 cotton crop planted.  Rainfall during the middle part of last week put planting activities on hold until Friday afternoon (of last week) or Saturday

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Thrips Pressure Heavy Despite a Late Planted Crop Updated

🕔08:37, 1.Jun 2013

No doubt this is a very late planted crop by Mississippi standards, so I was a little surprised when numerous thrips calls started coming in about a week or so ago. Usually thrips issues are much worse on cotton that is growing off slow due to cold weather or any number of issues that may slow growth.

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Labeled Fungicides for Corn Disease Management Updated

🕔16:42, 31.May 2013

Several people have asked about a list of fungicides and the specific diseases they may manage best. Included in this post is a table that has been put together by the Corn Disease Working Group of fungicides and how they respond in environments with specific diseases in efficacy trials from throughout the U.S.

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2013 Soybean Planting Progress Updated

🕔22:48, 28.May 2013

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, 46% of the soybean acreage was planted as of the week ending May 26, 2013. At this time, 32% of the crop is emerged. Several areas around the state received

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Cotton Planting Progress Updated

🕔13:48, 25.May 2013

Limited progress was made with respect to cotton planting in Mississippi during this past week.  As has been the case for the past several weeks, field conditions permitted progress to be made for a short period of time before the

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How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops?

How will rainfall impact seed treatments in soybeans, rice, cotton, and other crops? Updated

🕔19:54, 24.May 2013

With all of the rainfall that we have had around most of the state, there have been a lot of questions about the impact on seed treatments. In general, most of the seed treatments that are being used in all crops are water soluble. Typical levels of rainfall should not have a negative impact on the efficacy of seed treatments, but excessive rainfall may.

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Early Season Corn Diseases and Non-disease Observations Updated

🕔17:32, 24.May 2013

Several common diseases have been observed in the MS corn crop over the past week. Common rust and northern corn leaf blight are typical diseases in corn and are likely the result this early in the season due to the cooler than normal temperatures and ample rainfall we’ve received over the past month. But, with the generally atypical environment we’ve experienced this season the likelihood of more non-typical foliar diseases occurring is potentially increased. Proper diagnosis prior to a management decision is therefore increasingly important.

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Pheromone Trap Counts, May 24, 2013

Pheromone Trap Counts, May 24, 2013 Updated

🕔16:03, 24.May 2013

Here is the first weekly report of bollworm and tobacco budworm pheromone trap counts for 2013. While this is the first report posted, some traps have been monitored since late March. So far this year there has been nothing unusual

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Aphids in Rice Updated

🕔08:46, 24.May 2013

There have been some reports of aphids in Arkansas rice fields recently. I talked to Gus Lorenz (UofA Extension Entomologist) yesterday and he told me that they are seeing several species of aphids scattered throughout Arkansas. I have not heard of or seen any in Mississippi rice fields to date, but I wanted to make everyone aware of what is being seen in Arkansas.

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Rice Preflood Nitrogen Management Updated

🕔15:54, 23.May 2013

Nitrogen is important for crop growth and production.  Managing this valuable input for maximum plant availability is critical to ensure optimum economic returns while minimizing the potential for negative environmental effects.  Urea is the standard N fertilizer product for rice

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Nutsedge Plot Tours Updated

🕔08:03, 23.May 2013

Yellow nutsedge will be the featured topic of a plot tour hosted by Mississippi State University’s Delta Research and Extension Center (DREC) on Friday, May 31, 2013, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

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Mississippi Rice Progress – May 22, 2013 Updated

🕔16:27, 22.May 2013

We continue our trend of just a couple of good days of field work before receiving a rain.  In general, rainfall amounts ranged from 0.75″ to 2.5″ on Tuesday night, May 21.  Planting progress increased to 48% according to the May

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2013 Scout Schools Set Updated

🕔13:55, 22.May 2013

The 2013 Scout School dates have been set. The first will be June 4th from 9:00 a.m -12:00 p.m. at the Delta Research and Extension Center in the auditorium of the main building. The last one will be on the main campus of Mississippi State University in the Clay Lyle Entomology Building conference room.

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Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013

Crop Progress & Condition Report 5/19/2013 Updated

🕔07:43, 22.May 2013

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 19, 2013. Favorable conditions allowed for more field work to be completed. Operators were able to plant more corn, soybeans, and cotton. Soil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 1 percent short, 52 percent adequate, and 46 percent surplus.

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Managing For Earliness Updated

🕔16:55, 17.May 2013

Progress was made with respect to planting on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.  Some areas remained wet and little progress was made whereas in others favorable conditions facilitated tremendous progress.  However, what began on Monday of this week

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Small Grains and Soybeans Market News Updated

🕔16:53, 17.May 2013

by Brian Williams Traders have been watching planting progress closely this week. Nearby July wheat futures closed down 4 cents Friday to close the week at $6.83/bu. Wheat harvest will likely be behind schedule this year with only 29% of

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