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Rainfastness of Insecticides Updated

🕔12:46, 29.Jun 2011

Every year when afternoon thunderstorms start popping up, the phone starts ringing about rainfastness.  Rainfastness simply means the amount of time needed after application before a rainfall event for the product to still be effective.  One thing I have figured

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Sanitation of Field Borders Updated

🕔00:42, 25.Jun 2011

Nearly everyone who has read this blog, one of many popular press articles, or any of several periodical publications over the past year or two is aware of the problems many growers in Mississippi have with glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth. 

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Corn Foliar Disease Update: June 24, 2011 Updated

🕔20:16, 24.Jun 2011

At present there is still little to no foliar disease in the majority of the corn crop.  Many of the calls I’ve received over the past 7 to 10 days have dealt with sun scald, herbicide injury or urea burn

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Insect Trap Counts, June 23, 2011 Updated

🕔11:28, 24.Jun 2011

Pheromone trap counts for bollworm, tobacco budwrom and beet armyworm were all similar to last week in all regions. Counts of tobacco budworm and beet armyworm are high compared to historical data, especially in the central part of the state.

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Drought Stress and its affect on Corn Pollination and Early Grain Fill Updated

🕔18:04, 23.Jun 2011

Despite Mississippi generally receiving abundant yearly rainfall, we often experience substantial drought stress growing corn. The timing of rainfall and the ability of our soils to store moisture are critical to corn productivity. This article explains how drought stress and irrigation management may influence corn productivity during the early grain filling stages.

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O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Report: June 16, 2011 Updated

🕔09:09, 21.Jun 2011

The macroeconomic lesson was the key to the cotton market this week as the sharply increased value of the U.S. dollar along with troubling economic news from across the globe sent cotton and most other commodities sharply lower. Cotton has now lost some 17 cents from the four week high. The slowing demand out of China, coupled with glowing official comments regarding a very promising Chinese crop, have offset the disastrous crop conditions in the U.S.

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Soybean Disease Calendars for Maturity Group IV and V Soybean Updated

🕔10:53, 20.Jun 2011

One of the biggest questions I receive each year has to do with whether or not a specific disease is present on soybean at a particular time.  Most and I say most since this is a statement that can differ

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Insect Trap Counts, June 16, 2011 Updated

🕔16:35, 17.Jun 2011

Pheromone catches of bollworm (corn earworm) came down slightly this week while tobacco budworm and beet armyworm catches are increasing, especially in Central MS. Southwestern corn borer traps indicate that the sewcond generation has begun. Most traps are still fairly

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Cotton Damage from POST Applied Residual Herbicides Updated

🕔14:59, 17.Jun 2011

2011 is quickly shaping up to be the year in which nothing comes easy.  Weather conditions are continuing to cause issues with the 2011 cotton crop.  Scattered hail damage from storms over the past couple of days has been reported

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Spider Mite Update and Recommendations Updated

🕔08:28, 17.Jun 2011

Spider mites have been becoming more widespread over the last two weeks. Currently we have quite a few acres that have required treatment for spider mites and several that have already received 2 applications. The hot dry weather we have been dealing with for the last couple weeks is making the problem worse, and the numerous thrips applications this year has further led to the increased problems with spider mites by removing beneficial insects early.

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Rice Water Weevil and Rice Stink Bug Update Updated

🕔07:00, 17.Jun 2011

Rice water weevil densities appear to be very high at some locations in Mississippi this year. I looked at two fields over the last week where adult feeding was actually affecting plants. Adult numbers were running as high as 4-5 weevils per plant.

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: June 12, 2011 Updated

🕔16:16, 16.Jun 2011

  Week ending June 12, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M., June 13, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 6.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, June 12, 2011. Dry weather conditions are

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Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council Meeting July 26-30, 2011 Updated

🕔09:06, 16.Jun 2011

The 2011 Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council and Mississippi Seedsmen’s Association convention will be held again at beautiful Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama, on July 26-July 30, 2011 The Registration Packet is enclosed and can also be found on

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Tarnished Plant Bugs Starting Off Big in 2011 Updated

🕔07:48, 16.Jun 2011

This is certainly starting off like a “big” plant bug year. Most everyone is reporting threshold to 3 and 4 X thresholds of adult plant bugs moving into cotton that is squaring. Most people are also reporting unusually high numbers of plant bugs in group IV flowering soybeans compared to most years and I had one report the other day of a corn field 4-8 nymph plant bugs per ear on purple silk corn.

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Corn Foliar Disease Update: June 15, 2011 Updated

🕔22:14, 15.Jun 2011

At present, low levels of foliar disease continue to be reported from some corn fields throughout the Delta.  Over the past week more common rust has been identified throughout the corn canopy.  I’ve received several telephone calls questioning whether or

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Cotton Growth and Early Season Irrigation Updated

🕔17:22, 10.Jun 2011

2011 is shaping up to be one of the more challenging years we have faced in some time.  While no year can be considered normal, difficult weather conditions have tested the mettle of many this year.  Flooding, delaying planting, and

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Supply and Demand Report Recap Updated

🕔16:52, 10.Jun 2011

On Thursday the United States Department of Agriculture released its monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand report (WASDE).  The June report was the second that revealed projections regarding the current growing season for crops.  The report continued the ongoing theme

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Insect Trap Counts, June 9, 2011 Updated

🕔11:44, 10.Jun 2011

Pheromone trap counts for the week ending on 6-9-2011 show higher tobacco budworm and beet armyworm counts from the previous week. Corn earworm counts were similar to last week. All three of these insects are at levels where treatable larval populations

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After the Flood: Row Crop Replanting Updated

🕔01:49, 10.Jun 2011

MSU Extension Service and MAFES researchers have compiled the following suggestions and information regarding replanting and managing row crops after the flood. Also included is post-flood crop insurance information.

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General Corn Foliar Disease Update: June 8, 2011 Updated

🕔23:06, 8.Jun 2011

At present, and generally due to the hot and dry conditions, little if any foliar disease is present in the Mississippi corn crop.  On Friday (June 3) I scouted fields in the Tchula/Thornton area.  The particular fields were dryland corn

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Proper Use of A Sweep Net Updated

🕔07:19, 7.Jun 2011

Variability between people using sweep nets can be huge.  Assume four people go to the field and take 100 sweeps each.  I would almost guarantee you that each will come back with 4 different counts even if the insects are perfectly uniform. 

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Monitoring Square Retention Critical for Migrating Plant Bugs Updated

🕔06:01, 7.Jun 2011

Square retention is a critical component of early season plant bug management. I would strongly encourage you to take square retention counts along with your sweep net counts prior to bloom. Not only does this help in the decision making process of treating plant bugs, but it also helps you to get a better idea of how the products you are applying are working.

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Soybean Seedling Disease and Fungicide Seed Treatment Issues to Consider Following Flooded Soils Updated

🕔14:52, 4.Jun 2011

Pythium seedling diseases and fungicide seed treatments Little if any information seems to exist regarding the specific fungicide seed treatment suggestions that would follow extended periods of soil flooding.  In the past, most of the published research has been conducted

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Mississippi Soybean Sentinel Plot Update and Regional Soybean Rust Situation Updated

🕔07:13, 4.Jun 2011

Funding has been secured to monitor for soybean rust from the United Soybean Board and to conduct a general soybean disease monitoring program through funding from the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board.  As in the past, soybean sentinel plots were planted

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Insect Trap Counts, June 2, 2011 Updated

🕔16:04, 3.Jun 2011

Corn earworm (bollworm) pheromone trap counts were higher this week, so larvae should be expected in vulnerable crops shortly. Tobacco budworm counts were also higher except in the Delta where none were caught this week. Southwestern corn borer counts are

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