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Thrips Species Present in Mississippi Cotton Updated

🕔14:34, 26.May 2011

By now everyone is fully aware that we have been and still are experiencing extremely high levels of thrips in cotton. To date, many fields have been treated with foliar insecticides and several have required repeat applications due to extremely high numbers and frequent re-infestations.

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Soil Management After the Flood in Mississippi Updated

🕔12:55, 23.May 2011

Significant acreage in Mississippi will flood in the current event offering enormous challenges to families and homes. Much of the cropland in the affected region was already planted for the 2011 cropping season.  As the waters recede, a new landscape

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The corn fungicide dilemma: when should a fungicide be applied? Part I of V, yield in the absence of measureable disease Updated

🕔12:49, 23.May 2011

To keep each of the sections short I’ve separated the entire segment regarding fungicide application in corn into 5 general segments. 2011 marks my 5th season with Mississippi State University.  Since I started this job on May 15 2007, one

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Bollworm, Budworm and Beet Armyworm Trap Catch, 5-19-11 Updated

🕔15:50, 20.May 2011

Weekly pheromone trap captures from Northeast, Central and Delta regions of Mississippi are reported. Light to moderate bollworm pressure with very few tobacco budworms and beet armyworms caught during the week of May 12 to 18.

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Market Update Updated

🕔11:05, 20.May 2011

Commodity markets remain in a very volatile state – especially based on events over the past two weeks.  The event that hits closest to home is the flooding.  From a national perspective the planting delays for corn across the Midwest

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Effect of Weather Conditions on Cotton Growth Updated

🕔10:21, 20.May 2011

Several questions have come in this week regarding the effect of cold weather and moisture on cotton growth.  Cotton is sensitive to cold temperatures as well as excessive soil moisture.  Generally speaking, having one of these situations is made worse

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Extremely High Thrips Numbers in Mississippi Cotton Updated

🕔08:11, 20.May 2011

In the last 7 days there have been numerous reports of extremely high thrips numbers infesting cotton fields across the state. Although nearly all cotton has an insecticide seed treatment on the seed, high numbers of adults are overwhelming the seed treatments in many cases.

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: May 15, 2011 Updated

🕔12:15, 17.May 2011

 Week ending May 15, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M., May 16, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 15, 2011. Most of last week was

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Bacterial leaf streak and black chaffe of wheat Updated

🕔09:41, 15.May 2011

Over the past few weeks I’ve received numerous calls regarding wheat leaves and heads that have gone from not presenting disease-like symptoms to presenting disease symptoms in a short period of time.  In addition to leaf symptoms (see top photo),

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Planting Progress Updated

🕔16:21, 13.May 2011

Tremendous headway was made this week with regard to cotton planting.  Planters started moving late last week as well as over the weekend.  By Monday, planting activities for several crops were well underway throughout the state.  While flooding is of

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When is Wheat No Longer Vulnerable to Herbicide Injury Updated

🕔11:11, 13.May 2011

Many folks have inquired about specific information regarding wheat vulnerability to herbicides. This article specifically describes and contains photos to help identify the critical hard dough stage, when wheat is generally no longer vulnerable.

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May 24 Poultry Litter Movement Quarantine Update Updated

🕔09:42, 13.May 2011

Litter can NOT be hauled  in Mississippi. This quarantine is in place due an outbreak of the disease ‘ILT’ in February apparently traced back to an Alabama origin according to the Board of Animal Health. There may be a change

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Rice Insect Update Updated

🕔09:14, 13.May 2011

The reason for this post is to give an update on insect pests that we may be seeing in the near and distant future. First, we had several wheat fields around the Delta that had some fall armyworms. In addition, we are seeing a fair number of fall armyworms in whorl stage corn. I wouldn’t say the numbers we are seeing are anything of great concern, but the numbers are higher than we normally see this time of year. This tells us that fall armyworms are in the environment and capable of moving into rice. As the wheat is drying down, make sure to keep a close eye on field edges, especially those fields adjacent to wheat.

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: May 9, 2011 Updated

🕔14:39, 11.May 2011

Week ending May 8, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M., May 9, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.4 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 8, 2011. Last week started with rain

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Market Update Updated

🕔09:12, 6.May 2011

As concerns mount about the potential damage to Mississippi crops from the flooding of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, many are left with more questions than answers.  For those with crop insurance we are being told to remain in contact with

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What to Expect from Later than Normal Corn Planting Updated

🕔00:24, 6.May 2011

One of the current corn research initiatives at Mississippi State University is a project evaluating corn productivity to later than normal planting dates, particularly when grown with irrigation. The preliminary results may be pleasantly surprising for some growers stricken with stand loss or delayed by rainfall.

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Trying to Promote Wheat Harvest prior to Floodwater Updated

🕔17:03, 4.May 2011

Floodwater from the Mississippi river and other drainages threaten to destroy many acres of wheat which are ripening and approaching harvest. Many are wondering if there are any methods to hasten wheat maturity or permit harvest before floodwater destroys the crop.

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Poultry Litter Quarantine Update. Updated

🕔15:36, 4.May 2011

As of Friday, May 6, litter can NOT be hauled in or from the following counties in Mississippi: Covington Forest Jasper Jones Lamar Perry Wayne This quarantine is in place due an outbreak of the disease ‘ILT’ in February apparently

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Armyworms Showing up in a Few Mississippi Wheat Fields Updated

🕔12:41, 3.May 2011

In the last 7 days there have been a few calls coming in about armyworms in wheat.  Numbers have ranged from 1–12 per square foot.  Mississippi has always used a threshold of 5-6 larvae per square foot through the milk

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: May 1, 2011 Updated

🕔09:58, 3.May 2011

Week ending May 1, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M, May 2, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 1, 2011. The deadly storms that moved

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Treating Stink Bugs in Small Corn Updated

🕔09:32, 3.May 2011

Over the last 10 days I have had several calls about stink bugs in small corn.  There have been some fields treated, however, at this time it has not been widespread.  Stink bugs damage small corn by feeding through the

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O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Report: April 29th, 2011 Updated

🕔08:46, 2.May 2011

New York futures, led by the expiring May contract and the spot July contract, continued its three week downturn. However, while the new crop December did lose some 500points, the new crop maintained most of its bullish posture owing to severe weather problems in the Southwest and increasing problems for growers in the Midsouth.

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Planting Delays and Pigweed Control Updated

🕔16:32, 29.Apr 2011

It almost goes without saying that weather conditions over the past few weeks have delayed cotton planting.  Some growers in the south Delta will likely begin planting operations where field conditions permit over the weekend.  However, a 50% chance of

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Twitter Capabilities with the Mississippi Crop Situation Blog Updated

🕔13:48, 29.Apr 2011

In addition to our weekly email suscriber list, you can also get the updates on your computer or smartphone as soon as they are posted. Everything that is posted on this blog gets sent to Twitter @mscrops. You can download the application to your smartphone, set up a Twitter account, and then be a follower of mscrops on Twitter.

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Wheat fungicide pre-harvest intervals Updated

🕔13:03, 29.Apr 2011

Over the past week I have continued to receive calls regarding the fungicide application restrictions in wheat.  The specific wheat pre-harvest intervals are set to reduce the likelihood of a residue issue at the elevator.  I do realize there has

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