Bayer CropScience-O.A. Cleveland Weekly Cotton Commentary
Cotton futures hit 194.55 Friday, surmounting the all time high of 190.00 cents, established in 1864, during the U. S. Civil War era.
Cotton futures hit 194.55 Friday, surmounting the all time high of 190.00 cents, established in 1864, during the U. S. Civil War era.
With snow melting and warmer temperatures on the way, burndown should be taking place next week. I have included a video presentation for rice winter weed control. You can stream the video by clicking on view in a popup. The file can also be downloaded by clicking on Rice Winter Weed Burndown below.
Cotton producers in Mississippi planted approximately 425,000 acres of cotton in 2010. This was a 33% increase in acres compared to 2009. Approximately 5% of cotton in MS was planted to transgenic single gene Bt varieties and 90% of cotton acres was planted to dual toxin transgenic Bt varieties. The most popular varieties planted in 2010 were
With the current commodity prices, some suggest that the 2011 crop be ‘insured’ by applying micronutrients. Is this good policy for Mississippi field crops? These essential elements are required by plants in very small amounts: boron, zinc, molybdenum, iron, manganese,
There are several keys to successful wheat nitrogen fertilization in Mississippi. Split application of nitrogen fertilizer is likely more important for wheat than any other crop, including corn. This is because wheat nitrogen fertilization occurs during the wettest months of the year – in a high rainfall, warm regional climate conducive to nitrogen loss.
For the past 15 years the only herbicide program that most producers have known was the use of glyphosate in Round Ready® crops. With glyphosate-resistant weeds becoming more of an issue there has been an increase in demand for alternative control options.
Poultry litter has long been used to provide nutrients for pastures, hay, and other crops in the south-central Mississippi broiler production region. Volatile fertilizer prices increased interest among cotton producers in using litter as a nutrient source. Fortunately, there is
The Peanut Prescription Rx Program has proven successful in peanut producing areas for several years, and some growers in Mississippi are trying this on their farms. The program utilizes several factors to determine the risk of infection from a particular disease. After the risk has been assessed, a prescription fungicide recommendation can then be made. This study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of this program in Mississippi.
Over the past several years, many new peanut varieties have been released. These varieties have improved resistance to diseases, as well as higher yield potential. This study is designed to help determine how varieties perform in Mississippi. Varieties were selected from newly released varieties, varieties to be released in the near future, and varieties that have become the standard over the years.
Our 2010 rice variety trial data is now available. We also have released our 2010 Rice Research Report. If you have questions, please let me know. Here’s the link to the research report… 2010-rice-research-report-01122011 Here’s the link to the variety
We have posted our official variety trial results for soybeans and corn. You’ll find a link at the bottom of this post that will take you to our variety trial listings for both crops. The results are available as both