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2018 Row Crop Short Course

2018 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔05:08, 17.Nov 2018

The program for the 2018 Mississippi State University Row Crop Short Course has been finalized and over 650 people have already pre-registered for the event.  The 2018 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center

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2018 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary

2018 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary Updated

🕔16:11, 2.Nov 2018

The MSU Extension Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance.  These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soils and management systems around the state. The sets for 2018 represented the Roundup Ready

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2018 USDA-AMS Cotton Varieties Planted Report

2018 USDA-AMS Cotton Varieties Planted Report Updated

🕔14:56, 26.Oct 2018

The 2018 USDA-AMS Cotton Varieties Planted Report for the U.S. was released on October 4, 2018.  This report is a compilation of survey data regarding varieties planted and is the only publicly available report regarding percentage of total acres planted

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2018 Row Crop Short Course

2018 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔14:00, 26.Oct 2018

The program for the 2018 Mississippi State University Row Crop Short Course has been finalized and over 350 people have already pre-registered for the event.  The 2018 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center

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2019 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2019 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔20:58, 23.Oct 2018

This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior performance in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s market. Thus, this is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge hybrid performance and select the best hybrids for your farm.

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2018 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program

2018 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Updated

🕔20:50, 23.Oct 2018

Mississippi State goes to great lengths to evaluate, assess and analyze corn hybrid performance. These Hybrid Demonstration trials are grown in numerous on-farm locations throughout the state where you can better evaluate hybrid performance of our region’s most elite hybrids. Grain yield results from this year’s trials are published here.

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Keys to Producing High Yielding Wheat

Keys to Producing High Yielding Wheat Updated

🕔15:53, 10.Oct 2018

Wheat can be a fairly consistent and productive crop which offers some benefits and diversity for your cropping system. This article will address several vital planting and fall management practices to employ to mitigate environmental limitations and optimize wheat productivity.

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2018 Row Crop Short Course

2018 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔17:20, 9.Oct 2018

The program for the 2018 Mississippi State University Row Crop Short Course has been finalized and registration is open to those who would like to attend.  The 2018 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Cotton Mill Conference

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Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates

Reminder: 2018 Agronomic Scout School Dates Updated

🕔12:00, 18.May 2018

Mississippi State University will be hosting 2 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology.

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2018 MSU Grain Sorghum Hybrid Suggestions Updated

🕔08:27, 10.May 2018

This article lists grain sorghum hybrids which have produced superior yields in the Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials and neighboring University trials. This information should improve your ability to select well-adapted sorghum hybrids for Mississippi based on independent performance testing.

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Tips for Planting High Yielding Corn

Tips for Planting High Yielding Corn Updated

🕔13:19, 10.Mar 2018

Southern corn producers often face challenges during planting that can drastically affect the stand achieved and ultimately the productivity of the crop. This article provides guidelines and tips for having a successful planting season.

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2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule

2018 County Extension Meeting Schedule Updated

🕔08:55, 21.Dec 2017

The Mississippi State University Extension Service will be hosting a number of county row crop extension meetings in the spring of 2018. Each meeting will cover issues specific to the area and will provide information on weeds, insects, disease, economics,

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Soybean Variety Suggestions for 2018 Updated

🕔15:07, 15.Dec 2017

Variety selection is an incredibly important management decision for soybean production. Factors such as soil texture, planting date, irrigation capabilities, row spacing, harvest capacity, among others, may influence the decision of selecting a variety. There are a number of excellent varieties available

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2017 Cotton Varieties Planted Report

2017 Cotton Varieties Planted Report Updated

🕔09:03, 11.Nov 2017

The United States Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Marketing Service released it’s annual cotton varieties planted report.  The report captures what was observed in 2017 with respect to heavy adoption of Xtend(R) cotton varieties in Mississippi.  Based on the USDA-AMS

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2017 Row Crop Short Course – Updated

2017 Row Crop Short Course – Updated Updated

🕔08:49, 11.Nov 2017

The 2017 Row Crop Short Course will be held at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS on December 4-6th, 2017.  The program will kick off on Monday, December 4th at 9 am with a cover crop symposium.  Several growers

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2017 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary

2017 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Summary Updated

🕔12:56, 3.Nov 2017

The MSU Extension Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance.  These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soil types and management systems around the state. Demonstration sets for both maturity

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2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids

2018 MSU Short List of Suggested Corn Hybrids Updated

🕔15:45, 23.Oct 2017

This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior performance in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. No other source tests as many hybrids representing today’s market. Thus, this is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge hybrid performance and improve your ability to select the best hybrids for your farm.

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2017 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Updated

🕔11:36, 20.Oct 2017

Selecting the best corn hybrids to plant next year is critical to the profitability of your farm. This article contains yield summaries from the 2017 MSU Corn Hybrid Demonstration trials grown throughout the state for your review.

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2017 Row Crop Short Course

2017 Row Crop Short Course Updated

🕔09:39, 13.Oct 2017

The 2017 Row Crop Short Course hosted by Mississippi State University will be held Dec. 4-6, 2017 at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS.  Pre-registration is free until November 27th and will be $40 thereafter including at the door.

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Burning Stalks – What does it Really Cost? Updated

🕔09:03, 13.Sep 2017

After harvest, you immediately face management decisions which may have considerable effect on future productivity. Corn produces far more residue than most crops we are accustomed to, so it possesses considerable benefits, or may create anxiety depending upon how you view it. This article addresses the pro’s and con’s of crop residue and associated management options, including burning.

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2017 DREC Rice Field Day August 2, 2017

2017 DREC Rice Field Day August 2, 2017 Updated

🕔11:40, 1.Aug 2017

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held on August 2, at the Delta Research and Extension Center at 3:00 p.m.  The program will begin at the Capps center with updates from USA Rice by guest speaker Betsy Ward

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2017 Cotton Maturity Guide

2017 Cotton Maturity Guide Updated

🕔17:17, 26.May 2017

The updated 2017 cotton maturity guide can be accessed using the link below.  Keep in mind that maturity differences depicted in this guide are in an “everything else being equal” scenario.  A number of factors can affect maturity including (but

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When Should I Park My Cotton Planter?

When Should I Park My Cotton Planter? Updated

🕔17:04, 26.May 2017

It may be the understatement of the year to say that this spring has been very challenging for the agricultural community in Mississippi.  Cool, wet weather seems to disappear then return, wind and sandblasting has caused severe damage to emerged

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Sandblasted Cotton/Re-Plant Decisions

Sandblasted Cotton/Re-Plant Decisions Updated

🕔18:08, 5.May 2017

Approximately 20% of the cotton acres intended in Mississippi have been planted; however, given the cool, wet weather as well as high winds in the north Delta over the past several days, a number of re-plants will likely be taking place. 

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report for Week Ending March 26, 2017

Mississippi Crop Progress Report for Week Ending March 26, 2017 Updated

🕔08:27, 28.Mar 2017

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