Mississippi Crop Progress Report for Week Ending March 26, 2017
MSU Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season. These meetings will focus on market outlooks, variety selection, weed management, insect and plant disease management, and other current crop production
MSU Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season. These meetings will focus on market outlooks, variety selection, weed management, insect and plant disease management, and other current crop production
The On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance. These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soil types and management systems around the state. Demonstration sets for both maturity group
The USDA-AMS has released it’s 2016 cotton varieties planted report. The report in it’s entirety can be accessed clicking the following: 2016 Cotton Varieties Planted Report The top 10 planted varieties in Mississippi are given below:
Numerous instances have been observed this year where multiple growth stages of cotton occur in the same field and in some instances in the same row. This situation can present management challenges throughout the season. The following points are offered
This planting season has been challenging for a number of reasons. Cool, wet weather in early May gave way to very dry weather for several weeks thereafter in many areas of the state. Emergence problems have been observed in several areas
This planting season has been pretty good to peanut growers overall. While rainfall has been sporadic across the state, most of us have had several long, dry windows to get peanuts planted since about April 25. Having said that, there
Much like the last three years, as rains delay corn planting progress, concerns arise regarding whether you will have ample opportunity to plant your corn crop in a suitable time window. This article states yield expectations and new guidelines for late corn plantings based upon MSU research.
Mississippi State University will be hosting 5 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology.
The results of the 2015 MSU-ES Soybean Variety Demonstration Program have been updated to include disease ratings for Cercospora blight, frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot, and Target spot. These evaluations were collected at many locations in 2015 by Dr.
Variety selection is one of the most critical management decisions associated with soybean production. Factors such as soil type, planting date, irrigation capabilities, row spacing, harvest capacity, and others may influence the decision of selecting an appropriate variety for profitable
The 60th Annual Tri-State Soybean Forum will be held at Mississippi State University’s Delta Research and Extension Center on January 8, 2016. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. followed by the program at 8:30. Presentations will include pertinent information for
The 2015 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University on November 30, December 1, and December 2 2015. Please note that this is a new venue as
Recent rains have provided moisture necessary for wheat establishment, so as fields dry, wheat seeding should begin in earnest. This article will address wheat seeding questions and discuss management practices to employ to optimize productivity.
The On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration Program is conducted using a set of varieties with proven performance. These varieties are grown in a production setting on various soil types and management systems around the state. Demonstration sets for both maturity group
We had an App created that will allow you to review the program and register straight from your Smart Phone for the 2015 Mississippi Row Crop Short Course Nov. 30th – Dec. 2, 2015 at the Cotton Mill District in
The 2015 Row Crop Short Course will be held at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University on November 30, December 1, and December 2 2015. Please note that this is a new venue as
As wheat harvest is being completed and we begin making marketing and future cropping plans it is important to understand seed laws pertaining to wheat. This article explains the ramifications of PVP and Patent protection pertaining to wheat seed.
Although the 2015 planting season started out slow, tremendous progress has been made to get this year’s crop growing. According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, 79% of the soybean acreage is planted as of the week
Strong markets are driving Mississippi growers to plant a lot more grain sorghum than what could have been, considering the recent development of Sugarcane aphids as a threat to sorghum production. This article gives guidelines for getting your sorghum crop off to a good start.
Much like the last 2-years, as rains delay corn planting progress, more concerns arise regarding whether you will have ample opportunity to plant your corn crop in a suitable time window. This article states new guidelines for late corn plantings based upon recent MSU research.
Burndown herbicides programs for soybean must often be addressed on a field-by-field basis.
While we wait for the fields to dry up enough to get the 2015 planting season underway, here are a few peanut-related issues to pay attention to going into the season. – Jason Sarver • Inoculant usage continues to be