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Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am)

Reminder: MSU-Farm Bureau Joint Field Day July 19, 2016 (start time 7:30 am) Updated

🕔01:30, 15.Jul 2016

The MSU-DREC Rice Producer Field Day will be held in conjunction with the annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Summer Rice Grower Meeting this year on the morning of July 19 at the Capps Center in Stoneville.  The MSU-DREC Rice Field Day will

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Is Row Rice in your Future?

Is Row Rice in your Future? Updated

🕔11:22, 17.Jun 2016

Row rice or furrow irrigated rice is once again being investigated by the MSU Irrigation team as an alternative to conventional flooded rice production.  Some of you may recall Dr. Joe Street and Dr. Ted Miller worked with Clarksdale’s Leon

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Managing Cotton After Uneven Emergence

Managing Cotton After Uneven Emergence Updated

🕔08:11, 11.Jun 2016

Numerous instances have been observed this year where multiple growth stages of cotton occur in the same field and in some instances in the same row.  This situation can present management challenges throughout the season.  The following points are offered

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Corn and Soybean Irrigation Guidelines

Corn and Soybean Irrigation Guidelines Updated

🕔11:38, 27.May 2016

As we traveled through Tunica county today we noticed a few growers received a shower or two recently.  Elsewhere across the Delta, a shower would be a welcomed Memorial Day event. Over the last couple of days we have received

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Mississippi Soybean Update-May Planted Soybeans

Mississippi Soybean Update-May Planted Soybeans Updated

🕔19:46, 3.May 2016

The most recent NASS survey says that as of May 1, 48% of soybean acres had been planted, which is well ahead of both Louisiana (36%) and Arkansas (24%).  Given the wet weather we had over the weekend and yesterday,

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Why Can’t I Use Propiconazole on Peanuts this Year? A story of MRL’s and International Markets Updated

🕔13:54, 27.Apr 2016

Alan Henn1 with contributions by Michelle Samuel-Foo2 1Extension Plant Pathologist, Mississippi State University 2 Regional Coordinator, IR-4 Southern Region, University of Florida. or 352-294-3991 Most peanut growers have received notification from their buying points not to use any fungicides

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Seed Treatments and Thrips 2016: Expectations

Seed Treatments and Thrips 2016: Expectations Updated

🕔11:42, 2.Mar 2016

Although commodity prices have not been exciting for any crop we grow, Mississippi is expected to see cotton acres increase as much as 40% this year. As we have been traveling the meeting circuit, the common denominator has been, “What inputs can we cut in an off year?” This has been asked of all crops lately, not just cotton. It seems that seed treatments are the first thing that comes up during this conversation in every crop; however, this is not a viable option in cotton.

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Cotton Variety Placement and Management Updated

🕔10:05, 2.Mar 2016

As everyone knows, cotton varieties are being introduced and pulled from the market quicker than ever before.  The speed with which varieties come and go can make it very difficult to determine where to place a given variety and how

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Preplant Intervals for Clethodim Application in Mississippi

Preplant Intervals for Clethodim Application in Mississippi Updated

🕔13:29, 29.Feb 2016

The preplant interval for clethodim application before planting a grass crop (corn, rice, grain sorghum) is real and should be strictly observed.

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Soil pH and lime requirements are soil health assessments Updated

🕔15:09, 3.Feb 2016

Two long-time soil fertility measurements are also soil health assessments. Soil pH and lime requirement are long recognized as the foundation of nutrient management as acid soils often need liming to aid crop growth and development. Soil organisms crucial to

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2016 Future of Ag Graduate Student Competition Program

2016 Future of Ag Graduate Student Competition Program Updated

🕔16:44, 26.Jan 2016

Please make plans to attend the 2016 Future of Ag Graduate Student Competition at the Cotton Mill Conference Center near the campus of Mississippi State University on Thursday, February 4.  A total of 40 Master’s and PhD students will be

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Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition

Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition Updated

🕔13:39, 21.Dec 2015

On February 4th 2016, Mississippi State University will host the fourth annual Future of Agriculture Graduate Student Competition. The competition will be open to M.S. and Ph.D. students working in production agriculture. Over the last several years, there has been

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2015 Rice On-Farm Variety Trial Preliminary Data

2015 Rice On-Farm Variety Trial Preliminary Data Updated

🕔16:47, 1.Oct 2015

Find below the Preliminary version of the 2015 On-Farm Rice Variety Trial. During 2015, small plot rice variety trials were conducted near the following locations; Choctaw, Clarksdale, Hollandale, Ruleville, Shaw, Stoneville, and Tunica. Variety trial data is presented segmented by

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2015 MSU Short List of Suggested Wheat Varieties Updated

🕔15:43, 28.Sep 2015

This publication lists those wheat varieties which have demonstrated superior productivity in the Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials and summarizes their characteristics. This impartial information should help you better assess wheat varieties which are best suited for your farm.

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Sugarcane Aphid Control with Falling Temperatures

Sugarcane Aphid Control with Falling Temperatures Updated

🕔16:29, 24.Aug 2015

In 2014 we saw two brief time periods of less than satisfactory control with Transform on sugarcane aphids in grain sorghum across a broad geography. At the time we were mixing a lot of pyrethroids with Transform, so initial thoughts were that

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Pipe Planner Success Stories

Pipe Planner Success Stories Updated

🕔15:35, 16.Jul 2015

Early this spring we received a call from a grower requesting assistance irrigating a new property he had acquired. Historically the property had been in a rice/soybean rotation.  As you can see by the elevation map, the property was not

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Insect Pheromone Trap Counts, July 10, 2015

Insect Pheromone Trap Counts, July 10, 2015 Updated

🕔16:28, 10.Jul 2015

Bollworm trap numbers in the Delta and Hill regions have continued to increase some over what was reported last week. Southwestern corn borer numbers are still very high in some areas of the Delta and sprays may be needed in

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Soil Moisture Sensor Field Days Starting July 16th. Updated

🕔20:26, 7.Jul 2015

Mississippi State University Extension has planned two soil moisture sensor field days for July and early August.  Attendees will view demonstrations and presentations of the agronomic advantages of utilizing soil moisture sensors to trigger row crop irrigation presented by Dr.

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Don’t Forget, Monsanto Water Conservation Field Day Tomorrow! Updated

🕔11:18, 6.Jul 2015

The Monsanto Water Conservation Field Day hosted by Delta F.A.R.M. is tomorrow, Tuesday, July 7th at Simmons Planting Company and Murrell Farms in Washington County, MS. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. at Simmons Planting Company and conclude at

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Southern Blight of Peanuts – It’s Arrived

Southern Blight of Peanuts – It’s Arrived Updated

🕔17:30, 1.Jul 2015

Southern blight, has been found on peanuts in several areas of the state this week. Southern blight is a plant disease that attacks the crown and below ground parts of peanuts. It causes the plant to wilt and die or

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Rice Irrigation with Safe AWD.

Rice Irrigation with Safe AWD. Updated

🕔11:55, 1.Jul 2015

This year we are conducting nine rice irrigation Extension demonstration trials across the Delta.  To demonstrate the value of maintaining a less than full flood, we are utilizing a Pani Pipe and soil moisture probes to time irrigation events.  Research

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Kudzu Bugs Numerous in MS Soybeans This Year

Kudzu Bugs Numerous in MS Soybeans This Year Updated

🕔13:43, 17.Jun 2015

This year we have seen tremendous population growth and expansion of Kudzu bugs from previous years. We have treated some acres already that were at threshold and I am confident that there will be many more to come based on what we are seeing around the state including the Delta region.

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New Data Available on Sealing Soils

New Data Available on Sealing Soils Updated

🕔10:34, 5.Jun 2015

If you farm old traditional cotton soils, most likely you have recognized that irrigation water tends to run down the row, racing to the tail ditch.  If you have noticed this, you have a “sealing soil”.  If you are using

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Soil Moisture Sensor Field Days Updated

🕔10:49, 11.May 2015

Mississippi State University Extension is in the process of planning two soil moisture sensor field days for Summer 2015.  Attendee will view demonstrations and presentations of the agronomic advantages of utilizing soil moisture sensors to trigger row crop irrigation presented

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Now is the Time to Prepare for Pipe Planner! Updated

🕔10:29, 13.Apr 2015

Pipe Planner offered free to farmers! Delta Plastics is committed to reducing irrigation water use within the Mississippi Delta by 20 percent by the year 2020. Delta Plastics has offered to provide the company’s irrigation management software, Pipe Planner, free

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