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Insect Trap Counts, May 18, 2012

Insect Trap Counts, May 18, 2012 Updated

🕔10:39, 18.May 2012

Pheromone trap  counts for bollworm were steady to lower this week in most areas. Tobacco budworm counts were steady to higher. Compared to last year at this time, counts are similar or lower for both pests.

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What Bugs Are In The Ditches?  Wild Host Survey 5/17/2012

What Bugs Are In The Ditches? Wild Host Survey 5/17/2012 Updated

🕔10:10, 18.May 2012

From time to time we send crews out to survey insect pest populations in ditchbanks adjacent to agricultural fields.  This gives us an idea of what to expect later in the season based on what and how many pests we

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MSU hires Jason Krutz as Irrigation Specialist for DREC Updated

🕔15:20, 1.May 2012

Mississippi State University has named Dr. Jason Krutz as Extension/Research Irrigation Specialist at the Delta Research and Extension Center

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Top iPad Apps for Agriculture Updated

🕔14:43, 23.Mar 2012

Below is a short list of apps that I have found helpful in the agriculture world. This list is by no means the only ones available or useful. These are just the ones I found to be pertinent and can help your overall productivity. I am sure there are more apps out there that could be beneficial, but I may not have discovered them yet. As always, I welcome your comments.

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Soybean Variety Selection Tool

Soybean Variety Selection Tool Updated

🕔09:33, 23.Mar 2012

Variety selection is one of the most critical components in maximizing soybean yields. Soil type, planting date, maturity group, and many other factors are key components in selecting the correct variety for your farm. The Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board offers a tool to aid you in your selection.

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Metribuzin-tolerance Screening of Selected Soybean Cultivars Updated

🕔09:25, 1.Mar 2012

For many years, one of the mainstay residual herbicides in soybean weed control systems was metribuzin (Sencor/Lexone). One of the drawbacks to metribuzin use is the sensitivity of some soybean varieties to this herbicide. A research project conducted by Mississippi State University and the University of Arkansas screened some of the modern germplasms available to producers for metribuzin tolerance.

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Delta Ag Expo Set For January 17-18 In Cleveland, Mississippi Updated

🕔14:29, 9.Jan 2012

You are invited to the 2012 Delta Ag Expo. The Delta Ag Expo provides farmers and others interested in agriculture an opportunity to see the latest technology in agricultural products, services, and information. You will have the opportunity to view agricultural exhibits and talk with extension and research personnel and get up-to-date information for planning your crop year.

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Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy Meeting Updated

🕔17:31, 28.Oct 2011

The Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy will hold it’s annual meeting on Wednesday, November 16 at the Grenada County Extension Office.  The program will being at 9 a.m. and will conclude at 3:30 p.m.  CCA continuing education

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Rice Short Course Updated

🕔12:27, 28.Oct 2011

On November 15th, Mississippi State University will be hosting a Rice Short Course at the Delta Research and Extension Center, Charlie Capps Entrepreneurial Center in Stoneville, MS. The short course is at no cost and registration starts at 8:00 AM. CCA and consulting credits will be available at this meeting.

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O.A. Cleveland Cotton Report: 9/9/2011 Updated

🕔14:21, 9.Sep 2011

Dollar Cotton Returns… (And for December 2012 as well)…………Cotton prices gaped higher in Thursday’s trading (Wednesday night) and had not looked back as the market went into its close. The price chart gap appeared after the Wednesday daytime trading was limit up. The market has now reached its highest point since July 8. The technicals have returned to a decidedly bullish posture, but let’s not expect much more that a potential rally to the116-118 area without more help from Mother Nature.

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Cotton Defoliation Video Conference Link Updated

🕔10:45, 27.Aug 2011

The link for the Cotton Defoliation Videoconference that took place on August 26, 2011 is provided.

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Irrigation Termination on Soybean Updated

🕔10:38, 19.Aug 2011

As we close out another growing season a reoccurring question continues to be asked, “When can I terminate irrigation in my soybeans?”

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Take out your frustrations on pigweed Updated

🕔16:29, 15.Jul 2011

Farmers really don’t have a proverbial “slow time” anymore but now is a good time to remove any weeds from field borders and edges to prevent seed production.

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Insect Trap Counts, 7-14-11 Updated

🕔15:17, 15.Jul 2011

Bollworm, tobacco budworm and beet armyworm pheromone trap captures remained similar to last week. Southwestern corn borer trap counts were lower this week, indicating that the second generation peak has past. One field in Leflore County had SWCB trap captures of

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Four Bract Squares in Mississippi Cotton Updated

🕔16:33, 8.Jul 2011

Although many are aware of the issues that have been created by the appearance of four bract squares over the past few weeks, the magnitude of this issue warrants a final few words.  First and foremost, four bract squares typically

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Agronomic Crops Field Day Updated

🕔08:23, 8.Jul 2011

Title: Agronomic Crops Field Day Location: Delta Research and Extension Center – Stoneville, MS Description: Researchers at DREC develop varieties best suited for the Mississippi Delta, field test the most innovative production practices and the newest agricultural inputs on the

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Insect Trap Counts, June 23, 2011 Updated

🕔11:28, 24.Jun 2011

Pheromone trap counts for bollworm, tobacco budwrom and beet armyworm were all similar to last week in all regions. Counts of tobacco budworm and beet armyworm are high compared to historical data, especially in the central part of the state.

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With Dry Weather Watch for False Chinch Bug Outbreaks Updated

🕔17:09, 2.Jun 2011

False chinch bugs can be a major problem in cotton and soybean when they reach outbreak levels.  Every few years in MS we see some fields with extremely high numbers.  They are commonly found in dry years and seem to

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County Maps of Herbicide Resistance in Palmer Amaranth from Mississippi Updated

🕔13:03, 2.Jun 2011

In an effort to aid Mississippi producers in their decision making process a statewide survey was conducted to determine where glyphosate and/or ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth was present in the state.

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It’s complicated . . . Poultry Litter Quarantine Update, May 27 Updated

🕔10:43, 27.May 2011

The quarantine on poultry litter movement in Mississippi continues, however there are new, very specific guidelines for various locations in the poultry production area. Call the Mississippi Board of Animal Health at 601-359-1170 or 888-646-8731 to determine the guidelines for

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Market Update Updated

🕔11:05, 20.May 2011

Commodity markets remain in a very volatile state – especially based on events over the past two weeks.  The event that hits closest to home is the flooding.  From a national perspective the planting delays for corn across the Midwest

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: May 9, 2011 Updated

🕔14:39, 11.May 2011

Week ending May 8, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M., May 9, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 4.4 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 8, 2011. Last week started with rain

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Market Update Updated

🕔09:12, 6.May 2011

As concerns mount about the potential damage to Mississippi crops from the flooding of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, many are left with more questions than answers.  For those with crop insurance we are being told to remain in contact with

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Poultry Litter Quarantine Update. Updated

🕔15:36, 4.May 2011

As of Friday, May 6, litter can NOT be hauled in or from the following counties in Mississippi: Covington Forest Jasper Jones Lamar Perry Wayne This quarantine is in place due an outbreak of the disease ‘ILT’ in February apparently

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Mississippi Crop Progress Report: May 1, 2011 Updated

🕔09:58, 3.May 2011

Week ending May 1, 2011 Released: 3:00 P.M, May 2, 2011 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Mississippi, there were 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, May 1, 2011. The deadly storms that moved

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