After the Flood: Row Crop Replanting Updated

🕔01:49, 10.Jun 2011

MSU Extension Service and MAFES researchers have compiled the following suggestions and information regarding replanting and managing row crops after the flood. Also included is post-flood crop insurance information.

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County Maps of Herbicide Resistance in Palmer Amaranth from Mississippi Updated

🕔13:03, 2.Jun 2011

In an effort to aid Mississippi producers in their decision making process a statewide survey was conducted to determine where glyphosate and/or ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth was present in the state.

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Mixing Issues with Gramoxone Inteon Updated

🕔10:26, 27.May 2011

Many producers have utilized paraquat, sold under the trade name Gramoxone Inteon®, to control emerged weeds at planting. Often times a chemical manufacturer will modify a herbicide formulation to create a safer, more stable, and/or effective herbicide. However, a recent formulation change in Gramoxone Inteon has resulted in some mixing issues in some parts of Mississippi.

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Planting Progress Updated

🕔16:21, 13.May 2011

Tremendous headway was made this week with regard to cotton planting.  Planters started moving late last week as well as over the weekend.  By Monday, planting activities for several crops were well underway throughout the state.  While flooding is of

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When is Wheat No Longer Vulnerable to Herbicide Injury Updated

🕔11:11, 13.May 2011

Many folks have inquired about specific information regarding wheat vulnerability to herbicides. This article specifically describes and contains photos to help identify the critical hard dough stage, when wheat is generally no longer vulnerable.

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Planting Delays and Pigweed Control Updated

🕔16:32, 29.Apr 2011

It almost goes without saying that weather conditions over the past few weeks have delayed cotton planting.  Some growers in the south Delta will likely begin planting operations where field conditions permit over the weekend.  However, a 50% chance of

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Are my residual herbicides gone after all this rain?? Updated

🕔11:36, 29.Apr 2011

There have been a lot of people questioning “how much of my residual herbicide is left after all this rain?” How much residual value is left may depend on what kind of herbicide was used.

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Rice Update – April 29, 2011 Updated

🕔11:01, 29.Apr 2011

Rice Update April 21, 2011.  This update consist of information on planting progress, weather and weed control options.   You can download or click play now to view.

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Rice Update April 21, 2011 Updated

🕔14:26, 21.Apr 2011

Rice Update April 21, 2011. This update consist of information on planting progress and weed control options for producers who have gotten behind due to the windy and wet conditions. You can download or click play now to view.

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How to deal with Glyphosate Resistance and Weed Issues in Corn Updated

🕔12:45, 21.Apr 2011

Increasing populations of glyphosate-resistant and other herbicide-resistant weed species demand we adapt our corn weed control systems to address specific issues and prevent new ones. This may require you to implement strategies for a specific weed, plan on multiple herbicide applications, and improve your application timing.

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Control Emerged Pigweed Prior to Planting Soybean Updated

🕔10:59, 8.Apr 2011

Soybean planting is underway in many parts of the Delta and I have already received a number of calls about pigweed already being emerged in some fields. It is absolutely imperative that these emerged pigweeds are controlled prior to planting. Early weed competition can significantly impact soybean yields not to mention we don’t have many options to control emerged pigweed in soybean.

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Key Corn Verification Findings Updated

🕔00:02, 12.Mar 2011

One of the objectives of this program is to identify key production limitations, so the Mississippi State University Extension Service and Experiment Station can better direct efforts to develop innovations for our specific problems. This is a summary of such limitations documented during the past few years.

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Ground Speed Affects Spray Droplet Deposition

Ground Speed Affects Spray Droplet Deposition Updated

🕔14:20, 11.Mar 2011

As producers prepare for spray applications this growing season, it is imperative to consider proper spray nozzle selection. As ground speed increases, the orifice size of the nozzle must be increased to maintain the desired GPA. A larger orifice naturally produces larger droplets which equates to poor coverage with contact herbicides. With this in mind, it is recommended to make spray applications at a reasonable ground speed that allows for the use of a spray nozzle that will produce a medium droplet size conducive for contact herbicides.

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Rice Update February 25, 2011 Updated

🕔13:59, 25.Feb 2011

This update covers rice burndown considerations, hybrid insecticide seed treatments, and 2011 USDA Outlook Agriculture Forum – Rice Planting Intentions.

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2010 Row Crop Short Course Video Links Updated

🕔13:57, 14.Feb 2011

The 2010 Row Crop Short Course was held at Mississippi State University on December 6 – 8, 2010.  As we expanded the Short Course in 2009, we also have adopted technology to record the oral and visual portions of the presentations. 

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2011 Rice Burndown Considerations Updated

🕔14:34, 11.Feb 2011

With snow melting and warmer temperatures on the way, burndown should be taking place next week. I have included a video presentation for rice winter weed control. You can stream the video by clicking on view in a popup. The file can also be downloaded by clicking on Rice Winter Weed Burndown below.

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Flag The Technology

Flag The Technology Updated

🕔10:06, 3.Feb 2011

For the past 15 years the only herbicide program that most producers have known was the use of glyphosate in Round Ready® crops. With glyphosate-resistant weeds becoming more of an issue there has been an increase in demand for alternative control options.

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