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Corn Disease Update: June 24, 2017

Corn Disease Update: June 24, 2017 Updated

🕔15:32, 24.Jun 2017

Increased reports of disease in the corn crop in MS have been made over the past week. Normally, as corn matures, the incidence and severity of corn diseases observed with increase. Presently, common rust, Diplodia leaf streak, northern corn leaf blight, and southern rust can all be observed in our corn production system; however, southern rust has only been observed on an extremely limited number of acres to this point in the season.

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Keys to Field Identification of Common Versus Southern Rust in Field Corn

Keys to Field Identification of Common Versus Southern Rust in Field Corn Updated

🕔17:38, 21.Jun 2017

Diagnosing common and southern rust in the field can oftentimes be difficult. Subtle differences between the two diseases can occur at different parts of the growing season as well as sections of the crop canopy.

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REMINDER: 2017 Agronomic Scout Schools

REMINDER: 2017 Agronomic Scout Schools Updated

🕔17:53, 19.May 2017

Mississippi State University will be hosting 4 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology. There

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Wheat Disease Update: April 22, 2017

Wheat Disease Update: April 22, 2017 Updated

🕔11:09, 22.Apr 2017

Limited wheat acres in MS have meant for a fairly quiet winter. However, the observation of wheat diseases has increased over the past several weeks with the major questions coming from either vernalization issues (lack of chilling hours) or leaf rust.

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2017 Agronomic Crops Scout Schools

2017 Agronomic Crops Scout Schools Updated

🕔15:06, 27.Mar 2017

Mississippi State University will be hosting 4 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology. There

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Target Spot Management: Thoughts from 2016 Observations

Target Spot Management: Thoughts from 2016 Observations Updated

🕔16:29, 21.Mar 2017

Target spot was one of the main diseases that occurred during 2016. Normally a disease of little consequence in soybean as well as cotton, severe target spot outbreaks were observed in both crops. Making decisions regarding the occurrence of target spot during 2016 are difficult since the environment during key plant growth stages was the most important ingredient for the occurrence of target spot last season.

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New Insect Control Guide App Available

New Insect Control Guide App Available Updated

🕔07:36, 3.Feb 2017

We have been working on an insect control guide app for a couple years and are proud to say it is now available in the app store for iPhones. Shortly we will be releasing a version for Android users as

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Seed Treatment Choices For Cotton Will Be More Important In 2017

Seed Treatment Choices For Cotton Will Be More Important In 2017 Updated

🕔13:54, 25.Jan 2017

In 2017, the need to maximize thrips control to avoid foliar applications will be more important than ever. With the introduction and anticipation of numerous acres with the new herbicide traits resistant to Dicamba, there will be NO INSECTICIDE tank

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Soybean Disease Update: September 7, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: September 7, 2016 Updated

🕔21:03, 10.Sep 2016

Foliar diseases continue to be observed throughout the MS soybean production system. Cercospora blight, frogeye leaf spot and target spot have been commonly observed. Soybean rust continues to be observed at low levels in areas where the disease has occurred following the rainfall received over the last month.

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Stink Bugs and Redbanded Stink Bugs in Soybeans- What to do?

Stink Bugs and Redbanded Stink Bugs in Soybeans- What to do? Updated

🕔09:13, 12.Aug 2016

Over the last few weeks we have been getting more and more calls about redbanded stink bug in soybeans. Redbanded stink bugs (RBSB) are voracious seed feeders, infest fields later, and are more difficult to control than greens, southern greens,

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Armyworms and Bollworms Becoming Widespread in Mississippi Crops

Armyworms and Bollworms Becoming Widespread in Mississippi Crops Updated

🕔09:22, 23.Jul 2016

Bollworm: We have had numerous reports of bollworm (soybean podworm corn earworm) moths being flushed and small larvae in cotton and soybeans over the last couple weeks. This past week seemed to be the turning point in soybean. Nearly anyone with

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Soybean Disease Update: July 16, 2016

Soybean Disease Update: July 16, 2016 Updated

🕔11:51, 16.Jul 2016

Save for the appearance of a few common foliar diseases, the soybean disease situation remains fairly quiet. Septoria brown spot appears to be the most commonly occurring foliar disease. Scout fields for the presence of nematodes as well as stem diseases now to aid in next season’s decisions.

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Soybean R3/R4 Fungicide Selection

Soybean R3/R4 Fungicide Selection Updated

🕔11:00, 18.Jun 2016

Numerous questions over the past few weeks regarding fungicide product selection for the R3/R4 soybean application timing. Specific comments regarding the efficacy of products on frogeye leaf spot will be presented in an additional blog post. In this post, comments regarding application volume, fungicide application rates and decision on specific products.

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Corn Disease Update: June 18, 2016

Corn Disease Update: June 18, 2016 Updated

🕔07:00, 18.Jun 2016

To date, disease issues in the MS corn crop have remained somewhat quiet. Common rust has been the most prevalent disease as a result of wetter and cooler temperatures until the past 7 to 10 days. As of this morning (6/18/2016), southern rust has not been detected in MS.

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Spider Mites Showing up in Small Cotton in MS

Spider Mites Showing up in Small Cotton in MS Updated

🕔08:10, 3.Jun 2016

Spider mites have been becoming more widespread over the last two weeks.  Currently we have quite a few acres requiring treatment for spider mites and several that have already received an application.  The hot dry weather we have been dealing with

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Rice Disease Calendar

Rice Disease Calendar Updated

🕔11:53, 28.May 2016

Included in this blog post are a rice disease calendar. Information presented in the calendar deals with the most commonly observed rice diseases throughout the MS rice production area. In general, the occurrence of diseases on rice will depend on the planting date, general field history as related to previous crop, and the environmental conditions throughout the season.

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UPDATED First Soybean Rust of 2016 Detected in Four Southwest MS Counties

UPDATED First Soybean Rust of 2016 Detected in Four Southwest MS Counties Updated

🕔13:23, 25.May 2016

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016, soybean rust was detected on kudzu in Amite, Pike and Wilkinson counties in southwest MS. The observations of soybean rust yesterday mark the earliest appearance of the disease by a little more than 6 weeks as compared to the past. No specific management practices are suggested at this time.

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Updated Soybean Disease Calendars for MG IV and MG V Soybean

Updated Soybean Disease Calendars for MG IV and MG V Soybean Updated

🕔07:29, 21.May 2016

Included in this blog post are updated disease calendars for MG IV and MG V soybean to aid in scouting plant diseases. Keep in mind that several variables can impact the time of year when specific diseases are observed. Planting date, variety susceptibility, number of years a particular field has been in soybean, and prevailing environment can all play a role in when a disease is observed.

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Wheat Disease Update: April 16, 2016

Wheat Disease Update: April 16, 2016 Updated

🕔09:41, 16.Apr 2016

Increased observations of foliar wheat diseases have occurred over the past two weeks. Leaf rust, stripe rust and Septoria leaf blotch have been commonly observed throughout the state. In addition, with the current environmental conditions (humidity, rainfall) and the general growth stages observed, the potential for Fusarium head blight (scab) may be similar to as occurred during the 2015 season.

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Wheat Disease Update: March 25, 2016

Wheat Disease Update: March 25, 2016 Updated

🕔11:36, 26.Mar 2016

Wheat diseases have been few and far between this winter. Little wheat was planted in the fall of 2015. However, in some key areas, rust diseases (leaf and stripe) as well as bacterial leaf streak have been observed on wheat.

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2016 Scout Schools

2016 Scout Schools Updated

🕔19:04, 18.Mar 2016

Mississippi State University will be hosting 5 scout schools this year. We have transitioned over the years to make these trainings much more diverse than insect pest alone. This year we will be including insects, disease, fertility, and herbicide symptomology.

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2016 Spring Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Wheat

2016 Spring Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Wheat Updated

🕔16:58, 1.Mar 2016

Environmental factors play a substantial role in nitrogen fertilization for wheat producers in the Mid-south. This article gives guidelines for application timing, fertilizer sources, rates and other important practices which may improve your wheat productivity.

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2015 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group V

2015 Soybean OVT Foliar Disease Ratings: Maturity Group V Updated

🕔16:30, 20.Nov 2015

Field evaluations of the Maturity Group IV entries in the MSU OVT were conducted at each of the locations where trials were planted (Brooksville, Clarksdale (n=2), Falkner, Longwood, Raymond, and Stoneville (n=3)).  Entries were observed for their reaction to the diseases

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Are Late-Season Soybean Rust Observations Important?

Are Late-Season Soybean Rust Observations Important? Updated

🕔21:49, 22.Sep 2015

Late-season soybean rust observations occur on almost an annual basis. Even though the majority of the soybean crop has escaped yield loss as a result of soybean rust again for the 2015 season, determining the extent of the disease in MS as well as potential locations where the fungus could overwinter continue to be an important part of the monitoring/scouting program. At present (9/22), soybean rust has been detected in 41 counties.

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Late-season Soybean Disease Clinic: Baldwyn, MS, September 15, 2015

Late-season Soybean Disease Clinic: Baldwyn, MS, September 15, 2015 Updated

🕔06:31, 14.Sep 2015

A field training regarding late-season soybean diseases will be held in Monroe County, MS on Tuesday, September 15 beginning at 5:30 pm and ending with a meal at a local restaurant.  The diseases discussed will likely include: charcoal root rot,

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